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Thread: First Diet Class

  1. #211
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it! It makes me not want to leave the house because everything looks yukki on me. As the OH keeps telling me, the answer is in my own hands. I just can't seem to get my bum into gear to do something about it. It can't be good for my health - I have arthritis anyway, as part of the Behcet's - and I'm sure my joints would be a lot less painful if they didn't have to carry so much blubber
    Di x

  2. #212
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Felmersham, Near Bedford


    I had a week with no weight loss - and I was getting a bit down, but it's starting to creep off again. I've now lost 14 kilos since the doctor told me off in August, only another 6 to go and I'll be happy!
    Di, it does make a difference to the joints if you lose weight - I've been weighing the food and calorie counting and it's been going down slowly but surely. As a techy geek I've got an app for my iPhone which helps me to monitor the daily food intake and the weight loss - if I don't do that I slip back into naughty eating!


  3. #213
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rye Foreign, East Sussex


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it! It makes me not want to leave the house because everything looks yukki on me. As the OH keeps telling me, the answer is in my own hands. I just can't seem to get my bum into gear to do something about it. It can't be good for my health - I have arthritis anyway, as part of the Behcet's - and I'm sure my joints would be a lot less painful if they didn't have to carry so much blubber
    Aww hun you have such a lot on your plate, dont beat yourself up about it. But yes its very true, the joint pain is a lot easier without the added weight. I have certainly been able to move my back better and everything has just felt a lot more "fluid"

    Quote Originally Posted by lorraineflee View Post
    I had a week with no weight loss - and I was getting a bit down, but it's starting to creep off again. I've now lost 14 kilos since the doctor told me off in August, only another 6 to go and I'll be happy!
    Di, it does make a difference to the joints if you lose weight - I've been weighing the food and calorie counting and it's been going down slowly but surely. As a techy geek I've got an app for my iPhone which helps me to monitor the daily food intake and the weight loss - if I don't do that I slip back into naughty eating!

    Good on you Lorraine, again you have had stuff to contend with, so your loss is really significant, keep it up hun, you are getting there
    Su' xx

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  4. #214
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    I'm the heaviest I've ever been and I hate it! It makes me not want to leave the house because everything looks yukki on me. As the OH keeps telling me, the answer is in my own hands. I just can't seem to get my bum into gear to do something about it. It can't be good for my health - I have arthritis anyway, as part of the Behcet's - and I'm sure my joints would be a lot less painful if they didn't have to carry so much blubber

    I'm the same as you Di, I reached the point where I hated how I looked too and decided the only way to tackle my weight was me. I make lots of healthy snacks for during the day when I get low energy (or any other time) and its made a big difference to me. I have porridge for breakfast and that stops the 11am snacks and thick home made soup for lunch, then just a normal evening meal, but with smaller portions. I try not to give myself a hard time if I do eat something bad, just focus on doing more exercise as a way of compensating. Its much more difficult for you because not only are you not feeling well anyway, but you have other issues too and its easy to eat what you like and not eat less.

    I've had to make exercise the main focus of my day, it helps with the weight loss and a huge amount with keeping the depression at bay. If I don't do the exercises, like the last 3 days because of the painful neck, it makes me very moody and I'm not very pleasant company either.

    Di, give it a go gal, you know you want to and we'll all be here to help and support you. I've been there and I know you can do it! I'll start another thread of 'weight loss due to less food & more exercise' if you like and we can all rally round and cheer each other on

    What you need for Xmas is an exercise bike! it can sit in the garage and you can peddle away while your jewellery is in the pickle! go on Di, think about it!


  5. #215
    Join Date
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    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    LOL Jules - yeah I must. But no to the exercise bike - I never could get to grips with pedalling hard and getting nowhere!
    Di x

  6. #216
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    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    LOL Jules - yeah I must. But no to the exercise bike - I never could get to grips with pedalling hard and getting nowhere!
    Oh ok then, I don't mind it, especially on rainy days, when I don't have to get wet!

    My exercise started with swimming, I was a real fat XXXX and came up with tons of 'I'm too fat' excuses and then one day, just got my stuff ready and was off. I ended up spending 1/2 hr in the pool every day and felt fantastic afterwards. Yes, I felt self-conscious, but what the heck - it was for my benefit and no-one elses! What else can you do for exercise.... how about swimming? or a step machine? rowing machine? we got our rowing machine from a friend of ours and I was very reluctant to use it - thought it would really hurt my back, but its fine. I do 1k on that every day...

    um what else... how about a walk on the beach? I know you don't want to go out, but I love the seaside in rain or sun, its so invigorating and would be SO good for you ... how about it then??

  7. #217
    Join Date
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    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Could I make it a new year's resolution?
    Di x

  8. #218
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    West Midlands


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    Could I make it a new year's resolution?
    Well, I suppose you could, but sometimes NYR's arne't always kept - well not mine! I want this one to succeed, so you can keep me company and we can nudge each other along the way and keep motivated!

  9. #219
    Join Date
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    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Alright, tomorrow then. I can't today - the wheatbag around the neck should give you some clue as to how I'm feeling
    Di x

  10. #220
    Join Date
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    West Midlands

    Default Pink soup

    Today's soup, made by Baz, was bright pink! as he'd included a home grown beetroot.... along with all the other veg we grow.


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