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Thread: 'Too many great ideas', anyone else?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I meant to say, that this all took about 5 years,......and I do have more ideas than I could ever hope to have the time to make, but I love what I do.

    Like you Shaun, this has been my salvation, I had a breakdown in 2007, which led to a lengthy case in the High Court, 5 years of my life lost and a continued daily battle, especially with anxiety. Making jewellery, was one of wha I now see as the many positives of my breakdown, saw piercing especially has been my salvation. I love what I do now, it is my pastime, as well as my therapy!!

    Jill (aka Tabby) xx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Vale of Evesham


    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby66 View Post
    I meant to say, that this all took about 5 years,......and I do have more ideas than I could ever hope to have the time to make, but I love what I do.

    Like you Shaun, this has been my salvation, I had a breakdown in 2007, which led to a lengthy case in the High Court, 5 years of my life lost and a continued daily battle, especially with anxiety. Making jewellery, was one of wha I now see as the many positives of my breakdown, saw piercing especially has been my salvation. I love what I do now, it is my pastime, as well as my therapy!!

    Jill (aka Tabby) xx
    Welcome to the nutty brigade shall we make ourselves a little therapy thread? lol
    Its so helpful to do something creative, i recommend stuff for friends and even teach them a few techniques on easy little things to take the mind of all the crap
    I guess being crazy i attract crazies heehee


  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    At the last count, I reckoned I needed 5 workshops. One for jewellery, one for leatherwork, one for blacksmithing & grinding, one for clean metalwork (lathe, heat treating etc.) and one for car maintenance (although that could mostly be done in the last one). Maybe one for wood too as none of the other activities really work well with it... Oh, and a big kitchen - well, that's just more tools!

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Truffle & Podge View Post
    Think i may have to take up box making too as cannot find what i want anywhere meh! My other half makes skateboards, yep makes them lol, there are so many sketches around i think we are in danger of a paper drowning We only have a tiny one bed flat so add all my paraphanalia and you can get the image of having to climb over stuff to get anywhere even when as tidy as poss. I need a big house with a garage for Morg a silver studio, a sewing room, a fabric storage room and a library (cannot let go of books love em love em love em love em ) for me and possibly a nice little room for the degus, 2 males 1 female (seperate) & gerbil and sod the cat shes a little cowbag lol
    And why oh why do i like sitting on the floor to hammer & polish?
    sounds like i would get on with your wife
    Sounds like you're more crowded than we are.

    I've made a few small stabilised spalted wood jewellery gift boxes and they come out wonderful, but with the time it takes with basic tools and no space and the carefully prepared materials it's getting on for as costly as some of the jewellery heheh!


  5. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
    And then all of this leads on to tools, tools and more tools

    I do think it is something many creative people have in common - we can't just settle at one thing, as new things keep sparking interest.

    For me.... jewellery is taking over, but there are two extra pieces of furniture sitting around waiting to be sanded / painted.......

    I'm currently looking at moving in with my OH, but I think he is getting worried about the stuff (and the fact that I keep pinching tools that will be useful for jewellery!).

    Tools indeed! All of mine are pretty basic things that are forced into multi-purpose duties, as a lack of funds and my penchant for working with whatever comes first to hand dictates.

    I was given a little old jeweller's lathe (Emco Unimat SL), and couldn't afford all the small turning tools - got myself 3 different shaped Robert Sorby carbide tips honed them further and made handles/tool bars for them out of cheep mild steel bar stock - 3 long life turning tools cost me about £35.

    As for the vacuum and pressure set-up for my (wood etc.) stabilising, that's driven by a small commercial hermetic 'fridge pump, with home made adjustable vacuum switch (from a hacked propane regulator) and a pressure switch from a central heating unit, that I modified to suit.

    So, most of my 'toolery' and equipment is cheap, half knackered, jury-rigged and butt-ugly, but I'm slowly working on it and the list is growing fast with still on the list a bandsaw, a kiln, a forge, a much higher pressure set-up for casting, milling machine, larger lathe(s) and on and on!

    My new roller mill is already taking up living room space next to my wife's spinning wheel!



  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Hils View Post
    Having a bigger house just means more rooms to fill. We turned a small bedroom into a library, but soon saw the error of our ways and now have a large double bedroom as main library. The original library still has most of the book cases in it but also a bed now lol. We allegedly have a 6 bedroom house. Only 3 have beds in them and you can only get to the bed in one of them.

    I need to find an area of the house to solder in. The utility room is looking most likely but I've got to get rid of the dining room table that's in it and get some sort of desk/workbench set up. Now the utility room is truly multi-functional as it already has in it a washing machine, a treadmill and a piano!

    It's way past 'borderline' insanity isn't it? ',;~}~


  7. #17
    Join Date
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    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby66 View Post
    Hahaha!! I loved reading this thread, the further I read, the worse I realised I am!!

    So I started small, on the kitchen or small ikea table in the conservatory,.....but every time someone ate, I had to move my 'stuff'! I was given a corner in our little used dining room, I soon managed to expand this to one wall, ooh, then a little on the other side and another corner, ooh and soon I was filling most of the room!! (this took about 3 years.....stealth ), so it was thought best that I had the spare bedroom upstairs, which is a great room, but not the greatest functional space/shape as a bedroom!!

    I thought I was made, purposely fitted out with an eclectic mix of functional furniture and tools, (apart from the printer downstairs and a little bit of drawing stuff). Then last year son moved out,......well, the space was going begging, oooh, space for the printer!! So the printer found a new home, as did the desk that daughter no longer wanted after finishing her degree, my office (errrr, sons bedroom), still has a bed in, but functions as desk/office space, design area and photographic studio (slight stretch of the imagination), AND very inconveniently, occasionally as the spare bedroom!!

    Did I mention the storage space in the loft??..........
    Aww you done alright there bud LOL!

    My wife has upstairs spare room as her 'sewing room', our daughter moved out, but back in again before I could commandeer her room. I think I still hate her just a little bit for that LOL!


  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby66 View Post
    I meant to say, that this all took about 5 years,......and I do have more ideas than I could ever hope to have the time to make, but I love what I do.

    Like you Shaun, this has been my salvation, I had a breakdown in 2007, which led to a lengthy case in the High Court, 5 years of my life lost and a continued daily battle, especially with anxiety. Making jewellery, was one of wha I now see as the many positives of my breakdown, saw piercing especially has been my salvation. I love what I do now, it is my pastime, as well as my therapy!!

    Jill (aka Tabby) xx

    So glad you're winning too Jill!


  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by ps_bond View Post
    At the last count, I reckoned I needed 5 workshops. One for jewellery, one for leatherwork, one for blacksmithing & grinding, one for clean metalwork (lathe, heat treating etc.) and one for car maintenance (although that could mostly be done in the last one). Maybe one for wood too as none of the other activities really work well with it... Oh, and a big kitchen - well, that's just more tools!

    My 'dream workshop' is a large subdivided unit with specialised rooms. It includes labs and coldrooms, darkrooms and humid rooms, as well as the woodshop, metal shop, heat treating-forge-kiln room, motorvehicle workshop and sheet metal rooms, plant nursery/breeding/cloning rooms and more - it grows on an almost daily basis! Heheheh...


  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Oh dear, you've really got it bad.

    I used to have loads of hobbies - dressmaking, textiles, cake decorating, gardening, amateur dramatics, baking to name a few. I now have no time at all for anything other than jewellery making. I miss my old hobbies though and my garden is a mess.

    I started off in the spare room but soon outgrew that. I've now got a fab purpose built 2 room studio in the back garden where I'd live if I could. Even though it's quite large, I'd still like it a bit bigger as my lust for tools keeps growing!


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