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Thread: I might not be about for a bit!

  1. #11
    Join Date
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    Market Deeping


    Aww hope you're feeling better soon
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  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'll be sending you lots of love from this part of the world as well. You just concentrate on getting yourself well enough for your wedding. We'll all be here with the 'gossip' when you get back.

    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Last edited by ben b; 13-09-2009 at 01:30 AM.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Owww - poor Charlotte. I'm sure everyone on the forum wishes you well and a speedy recovery
    You are in the best place in the world now though...Don't you know Mothers are miracle workers! If she can't get you performing flick flacks by the 26th then no-one can!! xxxx

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I'm so sorry to hear your back's giving you gip again Charlotte, especially when you've got a great day ahead of you. I hope staying with your parents helps you relax and feel a bit more comfortable and you can get to see your surgeon PDQ.

    Gentle hugs floating your way x

    I'm hoping for world peace but I'd also like something shiny as well...

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Wishing you all the best for the wedding. Strange how adrenaline works wonders at times like that.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands

    Default Get well soon Charlotte

    Hi Charlotte

    Lots of get well wishes winging your way and big 'soft' hugs from me pain is a really debilitating thing and you just need to rest, but keep moving. I know your pain is much more severe than I had but have you tried a bit of acupuncture to relieve the pain? I had terrible wrists about a year ago and couldn't make any jewellery or weave any baskets, or do many household tasks but my wrists are much better, partly due to a bit of 'pinning'!

    All the very best and we all look forward to hearing from you when your'e lots better and all about your BIG DAY!


    Jules x

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Red face

    Wow, thanks everyone, I wasn't expecting such a big response. I was a bit embarrassed to start a thread, but was just a bit worried you might think I'd abandoned ship!

    Quote Originally Posted by bustagasket View Post
    Erm well i havent grown any taller, but and getting slimmer , erm i got my Rob Johnson beads through and got a new toy - doming block and punches, havent done any jewellery this week cos i had an order to decorate 20 candles, so just finished the first 10, but thumb is burnt now so next 10 will have to wait til tomorrow, its only the heating bit left to do on them and then they can be hardened and cellophaned next week. Do i have anything else to telll you? erm i got a huge spot on my chin lol, but i think thats about all my news so i will hand you over to the others
    Well done on the slimming! I was doing really well, I'll have to be careful about what I eat now so I don't end up a fat bride! Sorry to hear about the spot... I was always under the impression that spots would stop over the age of 18

    I'd love to have a go at candle making, have you got any photos?

    Lidyloo - Do you reckon it would work if I asked the doc for some valium for my big day? Lol, I imagine he'd think I was a druggy, but I'll give it a go!

    Petal - I used to go for acupuncture before my op, but I'm not sure it would work now as I have a lot of metal work in my back which is the cause of the pain... its a bit of a long story but my surgery went on way too long and the surgeon had to finish up before he was 100% happy. He said that if I ever got
    lower back pain then I would probably need another little op just to 'finish off', which is why before I've even seen a doctor I'm pretty sure it'll be a while before I'm sorted. But also why I'm not overly concerned... I don't mind pain if I know it can be sorted out... even if I have to go back to that horrible hospital with its horrible nurses

    Looking forward to going back to Devon, haven't seen my family since June! Its just a shame I won't be able to go on some lovely Devonshire walks!

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rye Foreign, East Sussex


    Quote Originally Posted by Charlotte View Post
    I'd love to have a go at candle making, have you got any photos?
    I dont actually make the candles i decorate them. These are for a bike club as a momemto from the event they are attending so their club logo goes on the front and the event goes on the back

    The other ones i do are just decorative or tailored to anything really, birthdays weddings, xmas etc etc
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails 22042009192.jpg   10062009243.jpg   03042009139.jpg   13042009164.jpg  
    Su' xx

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    I want to learn so much, and i want to know it all NOW!!!:p

    One day i will arrive

    A huggle a day makes the bad stuff go away

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I've been away from the forum for a couple of days, so appologies for the really late 'Get Well Soon!!!'

    So sorry to hear about your back playing up! (sorry, huge understatement there!)
    I am keeping everything crossed for you for the 26th!

    Have a lovely time being pampered at home in Devon.


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