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Thread: Ferris Mould a Wax - using for casting?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2016

    Default Ferris Mould a Wax - using for casting?

    Hi, I'm new on here and this is my first post

    I do alot of work with PMC, mainly in silver, but I'm thinking of going down the casting route instead..

    I do alot of handprint, footprint, fingerprint and artwork jewellery, so PMC is perfect for picking up all the tiny details and obviously getting the print onto the jewellery

    My question is...does anyone use Ferris, mould a wax, soft grade, red? And if so, would this work do you think as ive read its like a clay when warm then hardens? Any advice on this would be great..

    Thank you in advance.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Welcome to the forum lottek. I don't do finger prints, but you'll have to be patient for an answer at this time of the year, as those who do are busy er, taking finger prints. Dennis.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    - take a finger print on a white sheet of paper with black ink
    - 3d modelize it (it s easy and quick)
    - make the final shape of the jewel
    - 3d print it in castable resin in high resolution (tiniest details are bigger than 0.1mm so it s possible)
    - et voilą
    He who is valiant and pure of spirit may find the Holy Grail in the castle of aaauuuggghhh... | uncomplete

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    But as Mrs Beaton would have said: first catch your 3D printer. Dennis.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009



    Superglue fuming will develop fingerprints, giving a low relief surface that can be used as a mould.
    Or transfer the image and either hand engrave or laser engrave.
    Bound to be others, that's just what came to mind immediately.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Thank you for your replies but I think in my haste to post the question I haven't explsined myself properly..

    Here goes again...

    I have a business where I already make jewellery from PMC, mainly using handprints, footprints and fingerprints, so I already know how to take fingerprints and the moulds etc. I'd like to stick with the way I do things in terms of taking the fingerprints in a moulding material then using the reverse mould for the impression. What I'm looking for advice on is if anyone has used the red grade mould a wax made by Ferris, as this is apparently like clay when warmed up, so I'd assumed that I could potentially use this material to make my jewellery from THEN have it cast (by a professional).

    I'd not thought of 3d printing Plasmeo / Dennis, I will look into this in the future.

    Thanks again.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    Yes you can use the soft red wax I have done

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Thank you Josef1! What I'm quite confused about that I can barely find any information on the red grade wax, Ive googled and googled but ll I can find is the product description (well two lines) everywhere. I've actually bought some since posting for advice but I've not dobe anything with as it didn't come with any instructions.maybe I'm being too cautious and should just get stuck in...

    Can I ask, do you submerge the whole tub in warm water? Can I ask how you went about using it? Just get a lump and roll it out the press impression in, let it set then smooth it/ file it? (Or is it too soft for that?) sorry for my million questions lol.

    Thank you in advance for your help x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    If I get chance i will cast one next week and take photos Its been a while but basically I get a lump of it, its really soft compared to normal wax I just heated it with my fingers rolling it around then shape it on glass to get it smooth then place your finger in it, add a sprue and cast, I only did free form shapes but I would imagine you could pour it melted into a silicone mould then once it hardens push your finger into it maybe warm it a bit with a hair dryer first ? dont handel it to much after you have the print either just by the sprue

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2016


    Thank you sooooo much Josef1!!

    I use cutters to shape the PMC and a roller with spacers so they are pretty basic flat shapes really.

    I've got quite a few silicon mould to make 3D shapes do you think I need to lubricate it before putting wax in ? Also, should any safety precautions be taken when using? Sorry I'm probably asking really stupid questions..


    I will try and get a lump out of the pot and give it a go.
    Last edited by lottek; 11-12-2016 at 01:08 AM.


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