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Thread: Torch problems...

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Default Torch problems...

    I have a sievert 96 handle with their jewellery head which I have been using for a few months..

    I took a class recently and used an identical set up and found the torch had a much bigger range of flame... Despite having a flow regulator on my handle it's usually close to "on" or "off" when lit no matter how much I turn it...

    I emailed the supplier the other day and they suggested the bottle is running out.. But im sure the tutor said her bottle has lasted "years" ... As I only make stuff at weekends it gets used regularly but not hours at a time...

    I don't mind if it is empty but I am wondering if I have a handle with a faulty valve 😯

    Anyone else using propane only had to replace a cylinder a lot? I got the biggest one I could carry as I can't leave it where my bench is.. 11kg

    Well I never

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    Could be the handle could also be the regulator/vale on the cylinder it may be restricting the gas flow

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by 1711ag View Post
    I have a sievert 96 handle with their jewellery head which I have been using for a few months..

    I took a class recently and used an identical set up and found the torch had a much bigger range of flame... Despite having a flow regulator on my handle it's usually close to "on" or "off" when lit no matter how much I turn it...

    I emailed the supplier the other day and they suggested the bottle is running out.. But im sure the tutor said her bottle has lasted "years" ... As I only make stuff at weekends it gets used regularly but not hours at a time...

    I don't mind if it is empty but I am wondering if I have a handle with a faulty valve ��

    Anyone else using propane only had to replace a cylinder a lot? I got the biggest one I could carry as I can't leave it where my bench is.. 11kg

    Well I never
    An 11kg bottle should last a very long time with only occasional use. There's either a flow problem, as China suggests, or you've got a gas leak somewhere along the line.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    St Just Cornwall


    I`ve been using Sievert torches for 35+ years,an 11kg cylinder will last up to a year on daily use [Full time !] with a jewellery burner.Don`t use reduction valve,use straight thro valve with jewellery burner to avoid any pressure drop.The other cause will be a dirty manifold at burner end.If old type sievert brner,unscrew head section and carefully remove "cap" from end of tube and wash out with warm soapy water or ultrasound.There is a tiny [I mean very tint]hole in this manifold to allow gas thro.Do not try to poke it clean unless you want a 12"+flame![Yes I did!"]If this don`t work unfortunately you`ll have to get a new burner as these manifolds are no longer available.If the burner is the newer sievert/primus then unscrew head then unscrew manifold section and do as above.Good luck.
    Sometimes the gas companies either don`t rinse the cylinders properly and leave too much fluid/water in tem,this comes thro to the burner and congeals.Take cylinder and torch outside and blast gas thro without burner attached to get rid of build up.This won`t cure the problem but might prevent it happening again.


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