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Thread: Boring stuff

  1. #41
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    Oh dear me. Can open, worms EVERYWHERE by the looks of this!
    I'm not going to even pretend that what I make is going to fascinate everyone here. I bet if I repeatedly posted pictures of little gold fingerprint hearts with different fingerprints on them, people would get pretty fed up after a while, but I love it and surely that's what what matters - that we get enjoyment from this?!?

    Jewellery making can be such a lonely profession. I work 40+ hours a week and can go for weeks without speaking to anyone. I know plenty of engravers / setters in the same position.
    It would be a shame for this outlet to disappear because some of us weren't perceived "talented enough"; haven't been to college or perhaps don't have time to continually develop for whatever reason.
    I've met some really lovely, generous people here. Long let it continue. xx

  2. #42
    Join Date
    Jun 2015


    Pearlescence and James, far from trying to stifle criticism or hit out at any person, I was directing a specific challenge to comments that seem to me unjustified and demoralizing. I don't know Patstone, I have nothing against her personally and I'd be happy for her to justify her comments and correct me. Her five years' seniority on this forum should give her a perspective that I and other "newbies" might not have - and I could respect that - but it doesn't give anyone ownership of the forum.

    Yes, "offensive" was my choice of word and I stand by it. Patstone said she didn't mean to offend, but I think, perhaps unintentionally, she did offend a number of people - and precisely those people who lack confidence, who are here looking for constructive advice (and, yes, perhaps a little praise for their efforts). Others used words like "got at", "insulting", "disheartening" - I may have been a bit more forthright, but the point is the same.

    Patstone, if you're reading this, I hope you'll understand that this is in no way a personal attack - I welcome criticism, from you or anyone else, but if I think it is unfocused and negative I'll say so. I've probably said quite enough on this one, so I'll shut up now.

    And, by the way, my Faberge comment was meant to be tongue in cheek - sorry if you missed that - but the underlying point was a serious one. There never was and never will be a level playing field - are you going to complain to the Chinese about cheap imports?

  3. #43
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Goldsmith View Post
    Now let's move on from all this grumbling.
    What Jim said.
    It's been an interesting read, but we're rather going in circles now.

    Go and make something.

  4. #44
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I totally agree Lucie with everything you say.
    Some people need to toughen up and stop being quite so sensitive at imagined slights.And being defensive/aggressive. I find bristling at any imagined slights to be very offensive and have seen it destroy forums, especially when you get moderators who join in with the 'we have to all be fuzzy and cuddly and supportive' ethos. If what you want is unquestioning affirmation then I can direct you to a forum which will supply that in abundance.
    Saying someone's post is offensive is about as personal as you can get. This country seems to have become so stultifyingly politically correct in the last few years that people who actually have robust opinions are shouted down by a crowd which is just lolling around waiting to be offended.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  5. #45
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlescence View Post
    ...especially when you get moderators who join in with the 'we have to all be fuzzy and cuddly and supportive' ethos.
    Anyone thinking I'm cuddly and fuzzy is in for a surprise

    Personal attacks are out. People looking for something to take offence at will get fairly short shrift. Constructive criticism is - as I said at the start - vital. Meaningless blarney blowing smoke is not constructive criticism.
    If you don't like a piece, then either don't comment or take the time to *constructively* say what you don't like about it and how it might be improved. Simple pattern. If you do like it, again - same pattern. It's perhaps a bit anodyne in some ways, but if it helps people develop then so be it.
    "That's crap" helps no-one.

    At the same time, I am constrained by 2 things: 1) I'm here to keep things flowing relatively peacefully, which means unruffling feathers occasionally and 2) this is not my forum, this is Cookson's forum. They call the shots, and those shots include trying not to upset their customer base (because some of them whine about it). We have a lot of autonomy here regardless and there is room for all levels.

    Even PMC

  6. #46
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Lawks Peter. I most certainly did not mean you.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  7. #47
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Never quite rated you as cuddly and fuzzy either Peter of course we could all be completely wrong

  8. #48
    Join Date
    Jul 2012


    That raised an amused eyebrow here too

  9. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Well actually, I beg to differ - someone who is quite so taken with baby ducks probably is a bit "cuddly and fluffy"! Sorry Peter!

    Point taken though. I agree that we should be able to give constructive criticism when we think it appropriate.

    I do stand by what I said though. Bought in bezels etc can be very useful things when you're super busy. Even Andrew Berry uses ready-made components sometimes. Just because you didn't actually make them doesn't mean you couldn't and it's not much different to getting your work cast. When I was learning, I was a bit scornful of cast work, thinking everything had to be made by hand. I think differently now. I'd rather spend my time on the design and finish. Actually, bottom line - I'd rather make a living.

  10. #50
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    You are right Carole, I forgot about all those FB posts on chicks!

    I think we seem to have different meanings about components. When I mentioned them I wasn't meaning settings etc., without a pendant motor it's difficult to make my own settings so of course I buy them ready made which is quite limiting. This is going to change though in the near future I feel a spend coming on for a micromotor! The same goes for other findings, some I make some I buy depends on the piece and it's price
    To me components are all the fancy bits and pieces that only require a pair of pliers to put something together

    This has become a very confusing post, maybe we could just get back to thinking of Peter as being cuddly and fuzzy


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