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Thread: Confused about Cookson Silver pricing

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    Yes, you have to do a letter before action - a clear shot across the bows. It's often enough.
    It can be a formal special delivery but in this instance, when the order was electronic and you have been acknowledged in their own forum you could post here and send an email and that would suffice. It only needs to read ' as you have failed to send the goods I have paid for I will now start an action in the county court after 14 day to recover my money '
    How's your situation resolving Peter?
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  2. #22
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Yeah, I consulted on the LBA - belt & braces, making sure that my email stating "if you do not pay this by x I will begin legal proceedings against you" is properly backed up. I've been advised to put in a full timeline & narrative; not for the debtor's benefit, but more for the court's. In the meantime, I still have a small quantity of their stones which I am holding as general lien and they're demanding back.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Hi everyone

    Let me apologise for the delay in replying. This query proved to be elusive and it took a while but turned out to be the simplest answer; In August we ran a Silver sale and discounted the price, we then had a glitch and at the end of the sale the price didn't revert automatically as it was supposed to. We spotted the issue in September and reverted to the correct pricing. It looked of course that we had increased prices at a time that silver prices were falling but all we had done was reverted to the equivalent of pre-sale prices.
    So again we apologise for the inconvenience and the time it has taken to respond

    kind regards

  4. #24
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by CJ57 View Post
    I've been waiting on a part order since 25th Aug, some of it was a donation to the Darwald jewellery workshop. I've had 3 delivery dates go by and I suggested that in good faith they might like to donate a further borax dish and extra cone to the workshop as it's such a small amount of money and maybe reimburse me for emails, phone calls and inconvenience. The first response said that suppliers were sometimes outwith their control and after the 3rd no show it has now been referred to the product manager, can't say I'm impressed! I think was supposed to be appeased by the fact it was going to be sent out freepost, I wouldn't have expected anything else really !
    Borax dishes are a nightmare at the moment, we, like everyone else at the moment simply can't get stock. Our existing supplier had manufacturing issues and the shipment we received wasn't fit for purpose. We have finally been able to dual source the product but we still won't see stock until the last week of November, I wish we had better news, sorry



  5. #25
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlescence View Post
    Did you pay? In which case they have breached their contract and you can sue. A letter before action might finally manage to get their attention.

    just for clarification, we only ever charge a card once the order is ready to ship. We call for a £1 pre-authorisation simply to validate a card and then the funds are called for when the order is ready to ship

    rgds Rob

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    That £1 would be considered part-payment and good consideration. Doesn't matter what you call or why you take it.
    I suggest you look carefully at the European Law on selling over the internet In the UK the Consumer Contracts Regulations implement the Consumer Rights Directive. This thread seems to show a couple of breaches
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  7. #27
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlescence View Post
    That £1 would be considered part-payment and good consideration. Doesn't matter what you call or why you take it.
    I suggest you look carefully at the European Law on selling over the internet In the UK the Consumer Contracts Regulations implement the Consumer Rights Directive. This thread seems to show a couple of breaches
    Sorry if I wasn't clear, we don't take £1 or any other part payment. We validate the card to a £1 value. The £1 never leaves your bank (although your bank may reserve it, we do not receive it).
    If you would care to be more specific about what you think may be 'breaches', I'm happy to look at them


  8. #28
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    It's a standard thing with hotels too - they will reserve an amount to cover the possibility of guests checking out without settling the bill. The charge isn't billed, but it is no longer available as part of the card limit.

  9. #29


    I think the major breach here is wrt service levels. If this is how an eleven year customer is treated I wonder what sort of service level I should expect. Is Cooksons so sure of their market position that the idea of an eleven year customer finding a new supplier results in liitle more than rationalisation of Cookson's lack of response and/or feedback to the client?

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    I suggest you consult a lawyer. I've given you a free hint. My time after that costs £200 an hour for legal matters
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide


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