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Thread: Website Critique, Please

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009

    Default Website Critique, Please

    Ok, so I thought I'd finally get the website out there:

    Looking for your feedback, please positive/negative/constructive/destructive whatever

    It's a work in progress (but mostly there) and have done it all myself so please point out any errors you find. I'm still working on the photography as I'm not happy with many of the images. The about me page leaves a lot to be desired and could certainly do with an image of me or workshop or something.

    It would help me if you could let me know which browser you've used and on which kind of device/computer. Many thanks

    Over to you!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I love your work Indi. I haven't had time to read through everything but it seems to be working fine to me. I'm using Safari on a Mac.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Can't fault it, actually. It opens with a wow factor, the work and photography are of professional standard and you are not coy about the basket and prices. Haven't checked carefully for typos, but did not note any.

    Good luck with this Indi, you deserve it. Dennis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2012


    I'll start then :-)
    I really really like it.
    Both the web design and the content.
    3 points I would make are.
    1. I'm a bit undecided if I think the stone in the logo is really clever or a bit naff.
    2. I get a bit bothered by websites that have lots of 'sold' items, but I accept you do want to display them, perhaps use the phrase 'sold, made to order in x weeks' to soften the blow.
    3. I'm personally not a fan of arty farty names for collections, in fairness yours aren't too bad :-) and lots of people do it.
    Really good also to see some realistic pricing.
    Windows 8, firefox 27.01

    edit - I'm a slow typer! - got beat too it.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I think it's great Indi, professional, easy to use , just the sort of site I would like for myself.
    I'm not sure about the gem it possibly detracts from your name so if I wasn't aware of who you are then your name wouldn't be obvious until I read the text. Lovely though, will you do mine?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I like your site Indi, overall impression is beautiful design and quality (and realistic pricing, as has been said)!! Great images, layout, I like the idea of collections, like the shop, think sold, can be made to order with a guide on timescale is a good idea (unless one-offs). On the 'gem' in your name/logo, can it be turned the other way, for me it is the wrong way around.....can only think to show what I mean as the shape of the ....D is this way around (re-reading this I'm not sure if I'm making sense....), as it is, to me it reads In Iras with a gem shape, relating to the product rather than contributing to the reading of the name...

    Great work Indi, very impressed that you've done this yourself!!

    Tabby xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Thanks for the feedback especially on the logo! Clever or naff? Yes, please let me know Martyn what you decide in the end. I can take it if you think it's naff! Lol. You should've seen the ones before

    Re. the sold items - yes, Martyn. I take this on board. I am limited somewhat by the website e-commerce solution (woocommerce) and my severe lack of programming skills to change things to exactly as I'd like! The reasoning behind showing pieces as sold is that yes, I want to show what I have made but I only intend on remaking a sold piece once I've received an order for it. Hmmm… perhaps I shouldn't show the item as 'sold' at all then but in the description state that 'this particular piece is not available to buy but will take 6 weeks to create' or some such text.

    What annoys me as a consumer is clicking on an item I think is available and then seeing it's not! Lol.
    Quote Originally Posted by Tabby66 View Post
    think sold, can be made to order
    Now why didn't I think of that?! I'll have a 'made to order' flag instead of a 'sold' one. Like…..der! Such a simple solution. Thanks, Tabby!

    I hear what's been said about the 'In Iras' and possible confusion/detraction when reading it. This logo is embedded in my mind as 'Indiras' so a fresh perspective has been useful. I'm not entirely happy with the logo design or the colour scheme really, but am happy enough to get started with this and when things take off (read: when I've got the budget!) I'll probably pay for a redesign/rebrand.

    I've been in a bit of a self-made rut in thinking I should be 100% happy with everything but I think this has been stunting my growth as it were (read: I just need to pull my finger out and get on with it!) I'm pleased with the quality of jewellery I produce so believe if I concentrate on the actual jewellery that everything else will fall into place.

    Thanks for the feedback on the pricing also. I don't think I'd be happy selling any of these pieces any/much cheaper so will stick at it. It's interesting to hear your views on this especially as the subject of pricing pops up quite often.

    Any other comments, ideas, suggestions are most welcome.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I think it looks brilliant Indi - well done!

    I agree with the gemstone being the wrong way round though - it doesn't suggest the shape of a D as it is, but that's the only thing I can see wrong with it.

    I'm still struggling with Woocommerce/Wordpress, so it's nice to see it's possible to come out the other side!

    Oh, I'm using Firefox on a PC.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2011

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    I got as far as looking at pictures on the sui generis page and then the site seemed to freeze (I checked it's not my connection by browsing reviews of hyper-expensive eye creams :p After posting this, will quit safari and restart to see if that helps any). It looks really good so far, your work is beautiful (I'm happy to be stuck on the pendant, it's a stunner. Might leave it open for the other half to see) the photography looks really professional from the landing page and the layout is pleasing to the eye.

    The one thing I would say is before I got stuck, when I was looking at the pictures, it was a bit clunky having to hit the back button to get back to the picture gallery. Is it possible to open the enlargements on the same page or maybe do it so they open in a new tab or web page?

    I liked the collection names but not wild about the logo.

    ETA: I eventually got this error message:

    Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Exception' with message 'fetch - <b>MySQL server has gone away</b><br>---<br> Query: select * from wp_revslider_settings' in /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ Stack trace: #0 /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ UniteFunctionsRev::throwError('fetch - <b>MySQ...', -1) #1 /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ UniteDBRev->throwError('fetch - <b>MySQ...') #2 /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ UniteDBRev->checkForErrors('fetch') #3 /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ UniteDBRev->fetch('wp_revslider_se...') #4 /moun in /mounted-storage/home63b/sub002/sc38875-ASHO/ on line 7

    I quit and restarted and it seems to be working fine now, so maybe just my browser.

    After having a better look around apart from the picture thing, I think the structure of the site works really well and is easy on the eye apart from the font. Looking through the FAQs the text was really difficult to read for me even when enlarged. Maybe use a more accessible font?
    Last edited by medusa; 02-03-2014 at 01:34 PM.


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