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Thread: A Souvenir Of Mount Etna ?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London

    Default A Souvenir Of Mount Etna ?

    I found these odd specimens of iron rose haematite in a gift shop at the foot of mount Etna, but I can’t be sure they even came from this region.

    Of the three, one crumbled too easily when handled, so was unsuitable for jewellery. That was quite a relief, because I later had my doubts about using them for earrings and a pendant to match, so turning the wearer into a kind of walking rock and gem show.

    Instead I made the specimen I most fancied into a pendant suspended with cable. The picture of the reverse shows the method of insertion, but it was stabilised with a few drops of epoxy. For the rest I used haematite cabs from AE Ward. Dennis.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Brighton, United Kingdom


    That is really lovely, such a nice idea as well! I really like the way you've done the pendant too with it framed but not hiding the natural form.

    I'm probably going to use cable wire for a pendant soon, did you make your own ends? I'd rather make my own as it is more fun and then I can add a chain for adjustment (I'm a complete convert to this idea after reading this forum).

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Hi Kathryn,

    Yes the ends are just tubing pinched with round nose pliers and a jump ring soldered on. In this case it was 2.0mm o/s diameter tube. Some cable has a tendency to kink in use, but this 0.5mm one from Rashbel seems to work. The three strands of cable were fixed in with two part epoxy. I do much the same with snake chain, as it is too easy to damage it by heating.

    Regards, Dennis.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Brighton, United Kingdom


    Thanks I'd not heard of resbel's, 0.8 seemed a bit thick for a 3 strand necklace. I really have to get some tubing I've not used it all yet, is there a readily available base metal variety (I think I know the answer to this already). I'm starting evening classes again tomorrow night as well so maybe I'll try get some experience with tubing.


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