sorry, thats me using the wrong terminology! no I don't mean "big stuff"

I don't choose PMC over sheet, I still do both. So, my boring life story.....

I had been at an evening class for about 4 years (for the equipment!!) when I relocated up to Cheshire. There were no evening classes up here that I could find so I was looking on the internet for ways to set up in a small, cheap way at home. I came across PMC, ordered a pack - made some really bad pieces and melted the life out of it!!! Decided to give it the benefit of the doubt and went on a Level 1 PMC Cert Class and the rest is history! I then had a baby and PMC was easier for me to use at home on the dining room table so all of my metal working tools went away. When I got my studio last year, I was able to get my metal tools back out. I don't have time to make as much as I'd like but I'm working on a few metal pieces at the moment so hopefully I'll have pictures soon.
