Picture the scene. Disc cutting bead caps in the utility room/downstairs loo. My disc cutter's on its last legs and needs to be hit VERY hard - the utility room's the only place in the house with a stable concrete floor that can take it.

All going rather well. Lots of nice little discs building up.

Raise hammer for the next one, suddenly a little voice behind me pipes up Mummyyyyy - I need a poooooooo!

Do I
a) finish the disc beautifully
b) stop in mid strike and move gracefully out of the way
c) hit my thumb with full force and let rip with a lot of swearwords in foreign languages.

Yup, you've guessed it. And it hurts like anything. So I've now got two pretty useless hands, and a very nice purple thumb.

They never told me it was this hazardous.....