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Thread: I have to confess.....

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Rye Foreign, East Sussex


    Quote Originally Posted by lesley View Post
    So, if I knocked at your door you'd answer it naked!
    noooooooooooooooooooo not naked!!!!! i do wear a gown!!!
    Su' xx

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  2. #12
    Join Date
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    Masham, North Yorkshire


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    Just read it and resisting temptation - I can smell the calming herbs from here
    There was also Iceland moss. Not sure what it's supposed to do.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    huh after tiding up all day after OH decided to tidy up? on his day off, he left the house in a bigger mess than usual then going to the tip, the sweet shop, shopping, having youngest ones hair cut, carving pumpkins, taking middle one to a halloween party and then cooking tea oh and in the middle of it all making pumpkin soup you should have a severe guilt complex madam x

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Nowt wrong with that ladies, as soon as I finish phaffing about with the Liver of Sulpher I'm sliding ino a bath fragranced with classic old rose, sipping from a glass of rose wine and reading a 'jewellery' book.

    Then I might do a bit of gentle polishing until I feel ready for my date with some soft crisp clean bedsheets.

    Bliss. xXx
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  5. #15
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    East Lancashire


    I have different clothes for inside and outside the house. That way I feel I can really slob about.
    The arse on all my "inside" trousers has worn away. I've recently had to throw one pair out because they were totally indecent.
    Ha ha, me too. I work from home all the time and always have inside and outside clothes. When I go out for my lunchtime walk, I have to get changed. I tend to keep the same shirt on, but my trousers aren't really fit for others to see.

    If it's any consolation, I was in my dressing gown until lunchtime myself today - and plan on doing the same tomorrow. I did get quite a bit done, just showering and dressing wasn't one of them.

    I can work fine in scruffy clothes, but when my husband works at home, he has to put a shirt and tie on - he says his business head is associated with the clothes. I can work quite happily in my nightie.

  6. #16
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    West Midlands


    I usually read the forum first thing in the morning in my exercise clothes, but for work I have a favourite very holey paid of jeans that I often wear, but I couldn't wear those outside, I'd probably get done for indecent exposure!


  7. #17
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    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    Lesley - you could be my long lost sister. I am a dyed in the wool slut. I gave up trying to pretend otherwise a few years ago. Leaving the world of outside work and working from home just made me ten times worse.

    I too have indoor and outdoor clothes. The trousers I wear indoors are miles too big and fall down as I walk upstairs but they are sooooooo comfortable.

    I do find that I have to change out of my jammies in the morning otherwise I don't do any real work. And my morning doesn't start until Jeremy Kyle has finished - even if they are repeats. I snooze on the sofa whilst he puts the world to rights. Then coffee, slobby trousers and website writing.
    Di x

  8. #18
    Join Date
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    Masham, North Yorkshire


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    The trousers I wear indoors are miles too big and fall down as I walk upstairs but they are sooooooo comfortable.
    I have those trousers too. I'm giving the impression that I'm some sort of bag lady but I think I scrub up OK.

    Oh no, not JK! I don't watch much TV, and never during the day - it just feels so wrong. Although I have another confession........I've just watched The X Factor! Why did I do that......I knew it would just annoy me.

  9. #19
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    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Moon Cottage View Post
    The trousers I wear indoors are miles too big and fall down as I walk upstairs but they are sooooooo comfortable.
    I can relate to that!! I wear jeans nearly all the time now - but since my waist is now the same size as my hips and I never had much padding in the rear there is nothing to stop them sliding down! Have you ever ended up at the bottom of the stairs (with your arms full) and your trousers round your ankles - in fits of hysterical laughter??!! I't quite a common occurrence hereabouts!! (Has anybody seen that beautiful, elegant lady that my husband married in the eighties??!!)

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    You all made me smile and less guilty about my plan to take a bath in minute and spend the day in my PJ's reading jewellery books!

    Although I did start work at 8am yesterday and have only just finished - which I like to use often for justification to be a slob
    Michelle x


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