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Thread: Just One of Those Weeks

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2009

    Unhappy Just One of Those Weeks

    I think I'm going to ask Di to consult her luna charts again. It could be me, I usually have a difficult time in the month before my birthday, but this does look as though it's shaping up to being a bit of a downer for the end of the month.

    I'm usually a laid back, cheerful kind of person who on the whole thinks that most confrontations are a waste of time, and that I should be intelligent enough to find a better way of dealing with problems. But this week it looks like the world and his wife are out to upset me. I have no specific reason for this, nothing bad has happened, work is just the same as it always is and my designing is going well albeit slowly.

    So why this sudden urge to tell people to 'get a life' when they ask the simplest of questions, or the need to lock myself away from humanity for hours on end, even the cats have taken to sleeping well out of range. What is this strange new influence in my life? Is it just indigestion and a touch of gout? Who knows. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed that I don't upset anybody and praying for the 1st November to arrive - if all else fails I can always blame it on the moon!
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    East Lancashire


    I hope you feel more positive soon. Sometimes that's just the way it is - we just don't feel very sociable or sympathetic.

    Maybe the same thing that is causing it is causing me to be uber-clumsy this week. I broke - nay, smashed - a large molar yesterday which is going to be expensive to fix. Today I have knocked over drinks, dropped the dosing ball of washing liquid down my clean shirt as I loaded the machine, dropped shot out of the tumbler, splashed tomato soup all over the kitchen (soup necessary due to broken tooth) and all manner of stuff ending up on the floor.

    I'm just hoping that I'm more with it tomorrow, I can't afford any more mishaps.

  3. #3
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    OMG Jason, I hope it's something that they've caught in the early stages, how awful for you and your OH. Just goes to show what a whinger I am when there are worse things happening in life.

    Lots of huggs and support coming to you and your OH.
    Annie xXx

    All things are possible - if you look at them the right way!

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Rye Foreign, East Sussex


    Quote Originally Posted by JasonJohn View Post
    Just one of those weeks here Annie, the OH's father was diagnosed with cancer yesterday so that has really got me down plus Christmas is approaching, summer is over, nights draw in a hell of a lot earlier. Roll on summer 2010.
    Oh J how awful, huge hugs to you and P, very scary time for you all, hope they can do something fast..

    Must admit the weekend has been a roller coaster of emotions for me too, as a friend of mine in the states is going thru sheer hell, i wont go into details, but it has reduced me to a jibbering wreck. Something good needs to happen, and it sounds like more than one person needs a few prayers answered this week.
    Last edited by bustagasket; 28-10-2009 at 10:26 AM.
    Su' xx

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    A huggle a day makes the bad stuff go away

  5. #5
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    Very sorry for everyone's woes, particularly Jason. Why do these things always seem to happen at Christmas? My fil died suddenly at Christmas 2 years ago - v sad still. Could some of those problems be something to do with the clocks changing? I'm still waking up an hour earlier than I want to. I really need to sleep cos I'm working 14 hours a day at the moment to get stuff done for my 2 big shows.

  6. #6
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    I've got no answers and there is no magic bullet just huge hugs to you all - and especially to Jay and his OH. Healing thoughts winging their way to you and yours.
    Di x

  7. #7
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    Sorry, I hadn't seen Jason's post when I made mine, we must have been typing at the same time and I hit 'submit' and didn't wait to view the page.

    My thoughts are with you both.

    I know some really evil people that I wish ill on at the moment, I wish we could arrange to have it transferred to them - too many good people have difficulties when they don't deserve it and too many evil people could do with a bit of retribution.

  8. #8
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    Ah, Boo. One of my mum's favourite sayings was that 'it only ever happens to the good.'
    Di x

  9. #9
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    My best wishes are being sent to everyone that is not at their best at the moment, or who have had bad news about loved ones.

    I think I'm coming out of the end of my latest bad period (I really hope) as I'm on a week's holiday and am ending up using it to get well after the latest batch of ill health. "It can only get better from here" that's what I'm counting on anyway.


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  10. #10
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    Oh Jay, I'm really sorry to hear about your OH's father being diagnosed with cancer. Its such a shame and lets hope its been caught early and sails through the treatment. Do send him lots of and wishes from me and take lots of care.


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