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Thread: Ethic

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    So Geti, you're just being picky and awkward in my book!
    Possibly - but that's just me. I try to see both sides of any argument and as I see it, however good your intentions are, whatever you do, something or someone is being exploited.

    Shoes made from recycled rubber may be saving animals from being exploited, but are those same shoes being made in the Asia or the Far East in sweatshop conditions by a 12 yr old kid for a bowl of rice a day? How much energy has been used to recycle those tyres adding to greenhouse gasses.

    At the end of the day we're all going to die and the planet is going to blow up.

    NB. I may or may not necessariliy agree or disagree with anything I write as I could be just saying things to encourage healthy debate. It would be a rubbish forum if we all agreed with each other.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    Possibly - but that's just me. I try to see both sides of any argument and as I see it, however good your intentions are, whatever you do, something or someone is being exploited.

    Shoes made from recycled rubber may be saving animals from being exploited, but are those same shoes being made in the Asia or the Far East in sweatshop conditions by a 12 yr old kid for a bowl of rice a day? How much energy has been used to recycle those tyres adding to greenhouse gasses.

    At the end of the day we're all going to die and the planet is going to blow up.

    NB. I may or may not necessariliy agree or disagree with anything I write as I could be just saying things to encourage healthy debate. It would be a rubbish forum if we all agreed with each other.
    Yes I agree with the something somewhere point, but doing something as long as you are well researched is better than doing nothing.

    And your second point that was what I meant about using synthetic alternatives, I got annoyed with a Vegan girl who I met at a friends wedding who claimed to be 'plastic shoes, the lot'. Pointing out that by doing this would contirbute to all the animals she was 'saving' and us having no planet to live on one day didn't go down well, nor did the information that the Red Wine she was guzzilng had cow derived products in it, lol!

    My ethos is to not to commit to a way of life, but to make informed choices in the things that I do. For example, I prefer organic food for the quality and environmental impact, try to buy local and soon to be *trying* to grow my own, and when it comes to meat I am very picky about sources and have found a company who's quality and welfare standards are very good, far exceeding that of free range or organic. But it's more expensive, I guess more of a realistic price. Bearing that in mind I don't buy a huge amount of meat, and do it a lot of vegetarian or vegan things.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    I think that the only way to save the planet and animals is to get rid of all the humans - problem solved

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    I think that the only way to save the planet and animals is to get rid of all the humans - problem solved
    I 100% agree with you there! The world woudl be a much better place without us!

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    I'm going to go and live with the Amish. Nothing to do with animals, I just never got on with buttons.
    J x

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    We've certainly made a mess of it so far, that's for sure! I think there's a lot of mis-information about where products in the jewellery industry come from and what is genuine sterling silver/gold etc or not. The jewellery industry is difficult in that it takes an awful lot of mining to produce tiny amounts of metal and the conditions that the workers are working in are awful... Its a real dilemma between buying something at a fair price that has been produced fairly in reasonable conditions.

    Personally, we re-use and recycle as much as we can, grow all our own food and only eat what is in season, eat very little meat and don't miss it and care very much about the planet we live on. I re-use my jewellery components as much as I can and offer to re-use customers old jewellery and I repair broken jewellery for charity shops for free too. For me, doing nothing is not an option, doing the most I can, is. I get a little bit of pleasure from shredding the morning post (junk mail) and putting it into the compost bin - now THAT feels very good.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Birmingham, UK


    I'm going to go and live with the Amish. Nothing to do with animals, I just never got on with buttons.
    I was going to live with the Amish until I discovered that their broadband consisted of plastic cups on the ends of pieces of string and the nearest thing to a computer was an abacus

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Sounds like a pretty good life to me.....

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by geti-titanium View Post
    I was going to live with the Amish until I discovered that their broadband consisted of plastic cups on the ends of pieces of string
    Plastic cups that's outrageous. They must have been the fake Amish, like the fake 'Links of London' websites you hear about!
    In my glossy brochure entitled 'Amish - Come Live With Us - (no sense of humour but it's a button free zone and your Mum won't be able to ring you)' it clearly showed clay cups on the ends of pieces of string
    J x

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    You lot are bloody mad and need locking up
    Di x


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