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Thread: Today was supposed to be a day off grrrr

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands

    Angry Today was supposed to be a day off grrrr

    Morning all,

    I don't know about you guys, but we planned a day off from chores and its turned into a nightmare

    We had planned a 'relaxing day' of maybe a visit to a garden and a bit of pottering in our flower garden, rather than attacking our enormous list of tasks, but things have not gone quite to plan.

    Woke up this morning... electricity not on upstairs ! (that should have been a warning to us, if the day starts with something going wrong before you have even got out of bed, then you just know its not going to get better!).

    Then I do an order for some goodies, using paypal for the first time and put in my 'work' email address..... I await my confirmation email and nothing happens... I send a test email and it says 'failed' - address doesn't exist! There's another problem, because that is the same email I have recently put onto all my business cards - that makes me even more ... Then the water pressure is non existent, so the bath we have run is now boiling hot with no way of putting the cold in, as it has turned into a dribble


    I think its time for another cup of tea and a go on the exercise bike to get rid of my frustration and back to sort out the email problem!

    Why are some days like this, is it a lunar thing??? Actually, I'm sure the moon's cycles do affect the way people drive and behave generally - don't you?

    thats it, rant over.

    Jules x

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Jules, how awfull! Sorry you are having a crappy day, hope you get it all sorted out!

    I suggest you go back to bed and stay there to avoid any more problems and have a nice relaxing day!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom

    Default From the desk of the Crone ;)

    Quote Originally Posted by Petal View Post

    Why are some days like this, is it a lunar thing??? Actually, I'm sure the moon's cycles do affect the way people drive and behave generally - don't you?
    At the risk of sounding completely batty - we are just coming out of a new moon (that is the moon has been 'dark' for 3 days). This new moon has been particularly 'energetic.' So, yes, it can affect things.

    However, until 29th September, Mercury is retrograde. This means that it appears to move backwards in the sky. Mercury retrograde is always associated with communication problems (Mercury is said to rule communications). Your email problem is very typical of this.

    The hot water I would just put down to life being a pig sometimes
    Di x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    Sounds like Di is well up on all things moon!! I am a bit of a sceptic about all such things...but I was trained with a scientific background so tend to look at all things very analytically and logically. It was through reading about ancient chemical experiments that I was inspired to go for the name Solunar as it was the alchemists who referred to gold as 'sol' and silver as 'luna' in their experiments and used a sun and moon symbol to represent these in their writings. When I was checking up that my 'name' was unused and therefore available for me to trade under I came across all sorts of mentions of solunar silver being the best quality of colloidal silver (used in medicines and other applications)....and this was made at a very specific time in the cycle of the moon!! Also hunters, fishermen and farmers refer to solunar calendars for the best times to hunt, fish, plant and sow. I am still very sceptical...but I have found that a lot of 'good' and creative stuff seems to happen to me around the full you never know!!! Perhaps the fact I have a bookmark to an online lunar calendar is very telling!!!

    Hoooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwl !!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Barnstaple, Devon, United Kingdom


    PMSL - its gonna tell me not enough characters now
    Di x

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    UUm, yes, I'd heard of farmers sewing seed to do with lunar cycles, called biodynamic farming and harvesting and it seems pretty good to me. Having said that, we live within the boundary of a farm and I'm glad our local farmer doesn't use those, its bad enough when he does his harvesting at midnight with his lights on ... if he was to start sewing seed & harvesting at 3am, I think I'd be even more tired than I already am!

    How about a Di's stars for the day then???

    no maybe not, you already have enough to do, don't you - and for that matter, so do we all!

    Jules x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    Ive been ranting all morning thank goodness i can blame it on the moon lol well at least you can get on the forum Jules and have a good moan hope your day gets better, dont know about where you are but it is a beautiful day here x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Its a beautiful, sunny warm day... I've just got my washing on the line, the birds are singing, the chickens next door are a clucking and its lovely! ahhhhh


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    East Lancashire


    Ah, so the moon's to blame.

    I've had a similar morning. Started with the lighting fuse blowing, so my husband suggests I put my computers off before he starts tinkering with fuses. The lights are back on and I reboot the computer, but it absolutely will not see the network or router. Can't get on-line or see other computers on the network.

    Three hours of tinkering later (tried different leads, changed all the sockets round, rebooted the router and PC many times etc. etc.), I put the computer off and unplugged it to see if a cold re-start fixes anything and leave it for a while (while I fix the washing machine) - it starts up as though nothing whatsoever was wrong - I didn't even need to try connecting to the network or on-line, it was all just working, as it should have been in the first place. Grrrrr!

    Meanwhile, the washing machine ended its cycle, full of water. Luckily I saw it before I opened the door this time. It's taken me an hour to get that to empty and spin dry enough to get the washing out. The sun won't be on the line for long, so it probably won't dry now. And I'm still in my damn nightie - so much for the huge 'to do' list I had today.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    How bizarre !! I have had a bit of a rubbish week (everything I have touched has gone wrong) and have been offline all day due to network connectivity problems.

    But now I'm online, my 5yr old is asleep in bed, the 15 yr old is hidden in his room xboxing, OH has taken the stepdaughters home after their weekend stay and the dog is asleep in the basket and it is wonderfully peaceful.

    Lisa x

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