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Thread: Durston rolling mill horror story

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2023

    Default Durston rolling mill horror story

    As a student I have used a Cavallin rolling mill, very nice, reduction 3 to1 and sturdy. Now, the time came to add a rolling mill to my jewelry workshop, and the choice, the best one, Durston... There it was the box of a brand new Durston 100 reduction with extension rollers. Beautiful machine, smooth operation, 1 to 4 reduction and nicely built, or that is what I thought. After 3 or 4 bars... "this is ummmm... too hard, it is annealed? ummmm oh no the gears donīt move, am I forcing the grears?? oh, yeah, now it moves, oh no, stuck again, this is not good". Called to the shop: "naaaah, you must be doing it wrong. Here is a link to a youtube video on how to use a rolling mill, you newbie". "Well no. The machine doesnīt really turn". I went back and forth with the seller, as I expected an impeccable service for a brand new machine (expensive). They directed me to Durston. "Hi Durston, I have this problem with my rolling mill...", pretty straigh forward answer: "Oh yeah, it happens to every 100 machines that comes out of the shop, it is an easy adjustment, take the gears apart, find these adjustment screws and turn them an 1/8 of a turn to the left, that should do it". So there I go, I follow the instructions, and a slight bump is heard. The rollers are now free, but thatīs it? would not be a horror story if that was it right?

    I am thinking to myself that the quality control of the rather expensive brand rolling mills is poor, but at least their customer service is good. Or is it? Well, same trouble appears again, another 1/8 of a turn? now rollers are not straight, no pressure in the side rollers... and this time there is no answer for days. After a week an answer " I am busy, I will send you a video next week, when I am at the factory." And the customer service starts looking like the quality control of the machines... No video, no answer. I have to insist and oh yes, next week, I am in XXX now. Ok. The machine is not working, I can do it without it, but hell, I bought a state of the art machine, and it is sitting there, at this point 3 months have passed!

    In the end after too many problems I decide to return this useless paperweight, this company is not for me. Too bad, everybody is praising it, but not in my experience. I call the shop, "oh well, if you tinkered with it is not under our responsibility to return this item". And this is the moment when I think, I got screwed, I am stupid, just trying to do my best... The story is not over yet, as I have to file a complain in the consumer protection office, but still I might end up with a big piece of junk, months of stress, disappointment, anger, and a hole in my pocket. Yeah, you guys can tell me all the turns I got wrong on this way, but the truth is that if the machine was built properly I would not be in this situation.

    Everything said here is supported by email and whatsapp message evidence, I omitted most of the waiting, back and forth and ridiculous messages because are just way too embarrassing for Durston, but I can tell you something, in that company they are too busy to help their customers. I wonder if they wold treat me the same way if I was a company, but as far as my experience goes... total boycott to Durston. Now bed time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011


    If you are in the UK simply go to the County Court online and file a small claim for your money back (plus any and all costs including court costs) against the shop. The shop will try to deflect you to sue durston but they are responsible in law. And they referred you to durston.
    But I agree, dreadful customer service.
    Author: Pearls A Practical Guide

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    That only works if the poster is in the UK. I'm unaware of the legal process in Canada (although it's probably similar to ours, with just enough differences to be awkward).

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    All I have to add to this is my Durston rolling mill is the only equipment I haven’t had an issue with. Everything else has had an issue of some sort, things not as sold, parts missing from what was shown in the video, appalling customer service. Early on a winter skiing holiday was more important than dealing with a customer enquiry before a big purchase and then he forgot. I had thought as other family members took over that customer service would improve but they appear to be quite spiky now rather than lax and disinterested. They would also appear to be on forums so that you can’t voice concerns to other jewellers without being jumped on :/ I don’t give them any more of my cash now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2023


    Quote Originally Posted by pearlescence View Post
    If you are in the UK simply go to the County Court online and file a small claim for your money back (plus any and all costs including court costs) against the shop. The shop will try to deflect you to sue durston but they are responsible in law. And they referred you to durston.
    But I agree, dreadful customer service.
    Well, we will see who it is the legal responsible, including myself if I didnīt do what I supposed to do from the beginning. In any case I just wanted to share how a company that is sooooo loved and has so much praise it has its dark side, as for quality control, as customer service and I would add as a over all brand. If it was a 150 dollar machine, I would take it, and put it directly on "my bad" list. Now, a rolling mill it is not a toy, it should be well built, and it should have a good customer service. For now, the ultimate responsible of me been out of money, and having to try to deal with this problem, is Durston because the company doesnīt seem to care about CQ or customers. I hope that the more troubles it gives to distributors less and less shops will decide to sell their products.


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