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Thread: Just a bit frustrated need help

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2019

    Default Just a bit frustrated need help

    Hi, I’m just ranting as I can’t talk about this stupid problem to anyone else

    so I’ve started making jewellery a few months ago on and off and recently I painted our spare room, put the new flooring in and set up my desk to start making jewellery.

    However my husbands has two cats and we usually keep their litter box in that room and the cats sleep now and then. My problem is the cat litter box stinks as you would expect and they’ll throw up, sit on my chair and cover it with their hair, it just puts me off to go in that room. I can’t focus if things are not clean it freaks me out!

    We’ve had many arguments over this and I can see my husband is trying his best, he set up a new area for their litter box in our garden, but they never go outside. Every time I go in that room I’ll find their sick or hair ball on my desk and the floor etc it just puts me off. btw I don’t have any problem with cats I quite like them just don’t like the mess that comes with them. We’ve had conversations so getting rid of them is not an option and I feel sometimes my husband loves his cats more than me lol

    I’ve now stopped making jewellery as I just don’t want to go their and get upset anymore. I need some ideas suggestions to overcome this as I don’t want to give up on making jewellery.

    Thanks and sorry for the rant!

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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Manchester UK


    Maybe look if there are jewellery courses available at a local college. Then you can still get your making fix in a cat free environment.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    I’ve had a look around, there’s one but it’s very expensive and bit far and I’ve a 3 month old baby so don’t think that’s ideal.

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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    I don’t have cats, so forgive me for my naivety, but couldn’t you put all the things they hate in that room for a while - I’ve heard cats hate the smell of vinegar. Also, if you have a room in your house that your husband uses a lot more than you do, perhaps you could put all the things they love in there, butter their paws and leave them in there to lick off the butter, you never know know, by the time they’re done they might be so content in there that they never leave that room again.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2019


    Quote Originally Posted by joella View Post
    I don’t have cats, so forgive me for my naivety, but couldn’t you put all the things they hate in that room for a while - I’ve heard cats hate the smell of vinegar. Also, if you have a room in your house that your husband uses a lot more than you do, perhaps you could put all the things they love in there, butter their paws and leave them in there to lick off the butter, you never know know, by the time they’re done they might be so content in there that they never leave that room again.
    Why didn’t I think to spray some vinegar, great idea! Thank you I’m going to try this and let’s hope they hate going there

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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2019


    I have three cats :-) how did the vinegar go?

    You just need to make the room unapealing to them, put someting spiky on the chair so they wont want to sit on it, put some lemon or orange peel on the desk and you could put an automatic airfreshner in the room with someting citrusy so when they walk in the room it goes off.

    Have a spray bottle with water with you when your working and spray them if the come in the room, and as Joella said make sure they have a super comfy area in another room.


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