I think there is probably a difference in how you approach this journey into jewellery and silversmithing in the way it started in your life. I went through the Art College route 4 decades ago so it was very disciplined in teaching you skills and processes. There was no room for diversication in those days in our Dept, you were being taught to be a silversmith/jeweller and that meant using metal, heat and tools. Things have changed now I believe but I still approach my work from the same starting point and with money and time have bought new equipment and learnt new skills. To be honest I've never had the money to buy whatever was in vogue or what everyone else was doing so you make do.
I can't say I've found my niche, my last collection of work for this years OS went off in all sorts of directions and people said it was my best yet, it was definitely the work that had given me the greatest sense of achievement .