Hi everyone I'm Federico from Bettonte Lino Snc, a goldsmith located in Valenza (that you probably know as the city of gold) in Italy. We produce settings for rings, earrings and pendants, even producing custom items if requests come. I'm writing here to offer my products and to have some advices too. We are looking to expand our business abroad (in the Uk for example) and we are trying to find someone that is interested in our settings (a wholesaler or even someone that sets the stones) to create even a lifetime partnership in supplying our products. For what concerns the advices I'm looking for here are my questions: How does the jewelry-making process work in the UK? Here it works like that: we produce our mountings and then wholesalers buy them to make them finished (with the stones). Does it work the same in the UK? How can I be present in your market to be chosen by customers? I'm primarly thinking of using internet like I'm doing now. Are there any websites that you know where I can put some advertising? Do you know someone that is looking for fine quality settings?. Then a last question: take a look at our website http://bettontelinoeng.altervista.org/, you see that in the boutique section we have sample pdf brochures of our products. Do you like our settings? Do you have any critics about? Then referring to the area that you work in, what are in your opinion the most interesting/valuable setting that are requested by the market? That's all

Thanks to anyone that's going to help me in this difficult job

for what concern myself, I'm 23 and I'm the one that has the (hard) mission to find good opportunities for my business abroad

I found this wonderful forum and I think that I'll get all the infos I requested above.

please excuse my poor english.

Federico Omodeo

Bettonte Lino Snc - our web site