I had a really awful end to my day as someone came in with a complaint & really upset me.
They'd been given a double fingerprint bangle by their hubby and didn't think there were
enough lines on the younger child's fingerprint.....

I tried to explain that the younger the child the less defined their lines are, but all I got was
"you SOLD my husband this and I was EXPECTING it too look like the one in your advert".

Then I showed her three different fingerprints taken from different aged children and pointed out that
older children have more defined prints, they even vary from person to person & child to child.....
Her child is very young and she was pointing to a print, that I'd explained was from a teenager, saying her child's print
"should look like that"!

I offered to do the print again for free but once again said I could only capture lines that were there
(some children just don't have well defined prints).
I also offered to take the heart charm back and give her a refund on the whole charm OR if she preferred,
give her the money back on the whole bracelet including the other print which was as she thought just "OK"!

She's gone away to talk to her husband about it as they're "very disappointed".
The sad thing is that I wasn't upset about the lines on the hearts
(they were as good as I could get at the time from the girls fingers).
I'm most upset because of the implication that I'd somehow mislead them..

I knew the hubby, he was round our house doing us a favour when I took the prints.
The fingerprints were the result of a casual conversation & me showing him something I was making for someone else.
I didn't go into lots and lots of detail (I wasn't in my shop) but he liked the idea of capturing the fingerprints for a later gift.
HE thought it would be a great idea and as the girls were with him I agreed to do them there and then.
I even charged him less when he came to pay for them....

Lesson learnt - don't do business casually and make everything extra clear for acquaintances / friends....
I still don't know what they'll decide to do. She fancied one of my new footprint / hand print charms
but they're £20 more as they take twice as long and use extra materials.
(I also offered to do one of those and for them to just pay the difference)

Feeling very deflated now....I know you can't please all of the people all of the time
but I do try really, really hard to do just that!

Anyone else had this experience? What would YOU do in this situation
(or is it just me?)

Nic x