Hmmm, so I've had a commission off a guy who wants a ring with the words "volk" and "sippe" in runic lettering on it, after doing a bit of research i seem to be coming up with a lot of Nazi occult symbology, specifically linked with the emblems worn by the ahnenerbe gruppe who had who searched the world looking for Nordic and Odinistic roots of ancient and modern cultures and later linked to human experimentation and eugenics.

I don't make a habit of judging people, they can do what they like as long as they let others do the same, and I may have got completely the wrong end of the stick.

I'm not terribly keen to become the "go to" guy for Nazi bling.

That's probably an understatement.

Is there a nice way to ask someone if they're a Nazi Occultist without offending them?

Is there another more innocent meaning to these words I'm not aware of?

Am I just getting my knickers in a twist and should I just accept the commission, along with the much needed cash, do the work and forget about it?