Hope this is the right forum for this.
I recently opened and started populating an Etsy shop having read a fair bit on the forum about the pros and cons.
I had a lot of initial viewings and an unexpected early sale but since then things have slowed to a trickle in terms of views.
I must confess that due to the pressures of retirement, house maintenance and a love of my motorcycle (2nd to my wife and family of course), the shop has taken a bit of a back seat lately but now I must press on.

I really would appreciate though if any Etsy shop owners could advise on a few issues:

1 - Policies.... are there any statutory requirements for returns/refunds for both UK and overseas sales? I have looked at various shops and they often have differing policies.

2 - Advertising....Any advice on linking to social media as I am registered but am a near Facebook virgin and don't Tweet at all. Facebook seems to have options to 'advertise either as a 'Local Business' or as a Product or Brand' which option should I use?
Also any advice on using their tags system to increase exposure?

3 - Payments.......Why do some people only accept Paypal? Is this just to keep the transaction costs down? I have currently opted to use Etsy's online payments system as the cost seems quite reasonable especially when compared to gallery commission costs.

Also, has anyone used http://www.madebyhandonline.com/ ? I went to a craft fair in Bovey Tracey (Devon) at the weekend sponsored by them. very interesting with lots of high quality work from many different crafts.
