
Ive searched the other threads on this forum but I can't seem to find the answer for a bangle.

I have successfully soldered rings closed using solder paste and I have no problems with this. I have had to evenly heat the ring before concentrate on the join and solder flows great. I have also fused fine silver, all good easy even!

But when it comes to soldering the join for my bangle, the solder just doesn't seem to flow at all. Do I need to evenly heat the entire bangle just as I do with the ring first? I've tried that and also tried using flux and silver solder but its just not working. I've found a couple of vids on Youtube and tried their techniques like clamping the solder with the two ends of the bangle, fluxing and then heating but the darn thing just wont flow for me.

Here are the videos I've watched:

Can anyone help me with this? I'm obviously doing something wrong but I don't know what it is