Hello ☺

I thought it was time to introduce myself. I enrolled on a silversmithing evening class a little over a year ago and soon found myself hooked and signing up for more. I really enjoy developing my very basic skills and have learnt an enormous amount from this forum; I am in awe of the knowledge and talent here.

I went to Art in Action at Waterperry last week and had a great day admiring the different creative approaches and work displayed.

I am keen to set up a working area at home and have the opportunity to explore different processes, make mistakes and develop further. I have acquired a small range of tools, although it always seems there is “just one more” needed! I enjoy raising, planishing and chasing/repousse.

I am grappling with the challenge of a suitable workbench and soldering area. My home has very low beamed ceilings and sensitive smoke detectors! I think the most likely spot is a north-east facing utility room which has a higher ceiling and a small space facing a window. It is also closest to my only neighbours. Any tips on setting up a small workbench and minimising noise impact would be welcome!