i'm not sure what all the differences are, the torch i had was supposed to reach 1300
Burning air (21% Oxygen) a propane / butane or ProButane torch can reach 1970 to 1995 Centigrade but the item you are trying to heat / the torch nozzle / incorrect mix ratios takes some of that heat away leaving you with a useful adiabatic temperature of about 1,000 degrees centigrade. Flame temperature and potential heating temperature are quite different animals.
OxyPropane or OxyHydrogen will reach 2880 centigrade with a sustained heating temperature of 2,000 degrees or so (more than enough to weld Platinum at 1768 degrees).

When a company makes claims about the temperature of non Oxygen based torches they usually refer to the flame temperature and not the potential heating temperature...legal...but a little underhanded

best wishes
