Here's an easy one - everyone has a favourite quote and below are a few of mine
(hope there aren't any amateur Psychologists on the forum, lol)

"OK, how do I look?"
"Like a woman about to go forth and sin."
"Oh good, exactly the look I was hoping for."

Mermaids (Yes the movie with Cher in)

Sell crazy someplace else, we're all stocked up here.
As Good As it Gets (One of my all time favourite movies)

Everybody just pretend to be normal.
Little Miss Sunshine (Another of my all time favourite movies)

Wit is Educated Insolence
Aristotle (that's the oldest quote I know)

The Sign of True Intelligence is not Knowledge
But Imagination

Albert Einstein (Good enough for Einstein - good enough for me!)

and finally the quote I have above my workbench
"Where the Spirit
Does not Work
With the Hand,
There is no Art...."

Leonardo Da Vinci

So, what are your favourite quotes?