I was having a chat with my lovely friend, Di (Sandland) a couple of days ago and she mentioned that she's selling her well looked after kiln (Paragon SC2) called Dora, on Ebay http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/3308732146...84.m1423.l2648 as she no longer uses it and wants it to go to a good home.

She's knitting these days, which is what she did before she got into jewellery making. Much as I'd love to buy Dora, I've got my eye on other tools, but I offered to post a link here in case any of you are interested in buying.

If you guys know anyone who wants to give Dora a good home, then pls take a look. The bidding finishes in approx 16 hours!! Collection only from Barnstaple, Devon.

Many thanks