
Sorry if this has already been covered, although I can't find it anywhere...

I'm thinking about setting up a part time business selling my jewellery and running this from home, just wondered with insurance if I was to take out a separate policy for the jewellery making/selling would it in any way invalidate my current home insurance policy? And can anyone give me some up to date recommendations for insurance (the last ones i can see are about a year ago) and a rough estimate on cost? Also would I need public liability insurance? I was thinking about doing a couple of jewellery parties but they would only be at my friends' houses with mine/their friends/colleagues.

Also I'm aware as long as my work area isn't solely used for the business then I don't need to pay business rates, but do I still need to inform the council so that they are aware of the business?

Sorry if these are silly questions but never done anything like this before so want to make sure everything is above board!

Thanks in advance.