Honestly two last days nearly put me of making more fingerprint jewellery!
First I was trying to re-sized photos which took me all together 3 hours. Then the nightmare begin with my photopolymer plates, I could not opened them before because I was scared ( I am using them for the first time) that I will make a mistake and I am not going to be able to used them after. So I had to wait until my prints are ready. The person who sold them clearly put on her website : No returns after opening.
I have to admit clever... When I opened the package I was expecting 160 square cm , instead I had two little plates ( measurements 5 cm x 3 cm ), which even me with my lack of mathematical knowledge knew that is nowhere near 160 square cm !
After that I've wasted one of them because on the curse I was told that I should leave them for 1 min 15 sec exposed to he UV light. I wasn't told that it also depends of the type of photopolymer plates. I had to google that! After I've left my last piece for 5 minutes and the stamp was done I've realized that the size of the print is too small!
You can imagine the amount of swearing I've managed to do... If I can just say I never swear! Thank God my kids were a sleep and couldn't see me going literally mental.
I know that for the first time is always trying and errors but it seams like the whole universe is against me....
I don't know how you can all cope when your design is going nowhere? Specially with the deadline. One thing is for sure, I am not planning to buy my supplies nowhere else but from cooksongold at least here I know what I am paying for.