I have just returned from Antwerp, I was invited to the diamond trade fair. I thought it would be a good opportunity to research diamonds for when I come to use them myself in greater quantities than I do now.

Now I have attended many trade fairs myself as in a former life much of my business came from trade fairs, (horses, cattle, laboratory equipment) I admit on a slightly different level, but the thing about trade fairs is always the same, talk to as many people as you can to sell your product.

Sunday I was so disappointed that I almost left and came home; the traders were on the look out for the big money bags of Cartier and the so like.
Eventually I spoke to one dealer who asked if I was enjoying the fair, I told him how disappointed I was, he promptly invited us to his table for dinner that evening and also invited us to visit the factory on Monday morning. What a turn around, we had a wonderful time in the end, and I have made fantastic contacts who are happy to sell to the small studio artist as myself.