Quote Originally Posted by daisychain View Post
LOL! I get tonnes of those too, as well as the foreign order scams ones too.

The strangest begging email I got was from someone who said they were near Moscow asking me if I could send them money for a wood burning stove! Isn't it awful the number of innocent women who are being persecuted by the wicked uncles who murdered their fathers?!
I sometimes play with them for a while and say I want a better percentage before I will send my details.There's a video on yutube where a guy got two africans to do the Monty python parrot sketch!
I saw a TV show recently were women had sold their houses to pay a guy in Africa,because he had chatted to them,and told them he loved them? on the net for a few months????
And they wont pay 150 bucks for my stuff on Etsy??