The latest Beads and Beyond magazine issue popped through my letter box yesterday with a great riveting and metal clay project from Nic (I'm looking forward to having a go at that) and a copper jewellery set from me - anyone else in there too? Don't want to miss anyone out!

Lynne Glazzard's blog has also been reviewed in the Spotlight pages - thank you for letting me "borrow" the photos for it Lynne! I write the Spotlight reviews, and review a blog a month. It's my favourite part of the reviews as I've found so many great blogs since I started. However, I'm always on the look out for more! So...

Who has a blog that they would be willing to have reviewed in Beads and Beyond? I'm looking for blogs that are mainly about jewellery (of course!), whether that's lampwork, enamelling, metal clay, stringing, business advice. They need to have good, clear photos that can be used in the magazine, and a few tutorials or hints and tips on anything from tools and materials to photography and selling your work are useful but not essential. I'm looking for blogs that inspire the readers - and me! I always contact the blog owner before reviewing to see if there is anything in particular I need to review, and it's a great way of getting some good, free publicity.

If you are interested please pm me or email me on Please be aware, though, that the editorial team sometimes do use their right of final say of what gets reviewed, so please don't take it personally if I don't get to review your blog!

P.S. Nic - your blog is already on my list, just want to leave a bit of time between reviewing it and the "meet and greet" you did recently!