Hi there

I've been making somelovely pieces with sea glass using balled silver wire and I'm not happy with my balling. I'm started off with 1.8mm wire and then for my second piece used 1.5mm and will be using 1.5mm from now on.

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong but the balls always end up rough and I have to spend hours filing and sanding them down to get them smooth.

Any tips on balling wire would be much appreciated. I'm goign to try a few different things tonight and see if I get any better.

Here are some images:

This is the 1.8mm wire and required tons of filing and sanding and in the end I kind of lost the ball effect.

This one used the 1.5mm and required less filing and sanding, but I kind of just gave up with it and kept it rough.

Please help.