Sorry guys I need a whinge and there is no-one at home.....I settled down this morning to make some textured pendants and earrings, bezel set with some semi-precious cabs but something up there has had it in for me.

First I couldn't find the arm for the rolling mill that adjusts the height of the rollers and had to search for it. That found, the sheet was textured ok. Then I couldn't find the syringes of solder so I had to use pallions to make bezel cups and solder them on - I was ok on the 8mm one but gave up the will to live on the 4mm ones and resorted to some I had already bought that are ever-so-slightly shallow but were good for the stones I wanted to use.

Got the cups soldered on, tidied up and oxidised...ooh, things were looking up. Then one of the 4mm carnelians catapulted across the room never to be seen again despite getting down to search with a torch (searching is a main feature of today....). I had 4 cabs so I still had a spare, but the spare was too high for the bezel cup and kept popping out. So against all principles, I have resorted to (whispering and looking over shoulder) using araldite to hold the 6mm stone in place so I can rubover the setting.

I've spent hours today faffing around with not even one set completed properly - given the glue situation I won't be confortable to sell it so it will be a pressie. I've not even bothered to try to work on the second set.

And to think I kept away from the PC so I could get my head down and do loads of work today

Time for a cuppa and a couple of buttered crumpets - need to get my bloodsugar up methinks