Well tonight i did it, i went to my first meeting to get shot of this weight.
The hospital told me i have to lose some (quite a bit lol) to help both my asthma and my stupid vocal chords, and also to relieve the strain on my already knackered back, so finally tonight my class started and i went along. I have about 4.5 stone to lose, and willl have no normal food for 14 weeks starting tomorrow morning.

Wish me luck girls, the first 3 days will be the hardest, but i have to do this, i cant stand not being able to reach stuff anymore cos my stomach gets in the way, and as my back is pinned i only bend at the hips and the shoulders so a stomach in the way really isnt helping.

I was weighed, measured and photographed, and will have my BP, pulse etc checked every 28 days. I feel very positive about it, but i know at first its going to be real hell. Hoping to keep my mind occupied with my jewellery and this forum. So keep me on the straight and narrow please lol