Hi all, I'm very new to jewellery making but have done a course for PMC+ fingerprint jewellery recently. I've just got my first kiln, an EFCO 135 with a Uhlig controller and a ceramic plate to protect the bottom.

However I'm not sure how to use it! It doesn't come with instructions. I asked the seller but she never used it for PMC before. She says she used to use it on setting 8 which was about 950c so I'm guessing its prob about setting 7 for the 850c required for the PMC+?

If anyone else has one of these I'd be grateful for help with the following:
How do I get it to 850c for firing PMC+ and how long do I need to fire it for?
Do I put the clay straight onto the ceramic plate?
How many pieces can I fire at once?

Thanks all!