Morning all,

I don't know about you guys, but we planned a day off from chores and its turned into a nightmare

We had planned a 'relaxing day' of maybe a visit to a garden and a bit of pottering in our flower garden, rather than attacking our enormous list of tasks, but things have not gone quite to plan.

Woke up this morning... electricity not on upstairs ! (that should have been a warning to us, if the day starts with something going wrong before you have even got out of bed, then you just know its not going to get better!).

Then I do an order for some goodies, using paypal for the first time and put in my 'work' email address..... I await my confirmation email and nothing happens... I send a test email and it says 'failed' - address doesn't exist! There's another problem, because that is the same email I have recently put onto all my business cards - that makes me even more ... Then the water pressure is non existent, so the bath we have run is now boiling hot with no way of putting the cold in, as it has turned into a dribble


I think its time for another cup of tea and a go on the exercise bike to get rid of my frustration and back to sort out the email problem!

Why are some days like this, is it a lunar thing??? Actually, I'm sure the moon's cycles do affect the way people drive and behave generally - don't you?

thats it, rant over.

Jules x