Hi again,

I'm fairly ok belting out circa 1mm thick copper discs using a 2lb brass mallet with my Indian disc cutter. In a previous thread I stated I might like to use custom dies to make imprints on one or both sides of these blanks, like a coin but not as thick as a coin.

I realise a 1 ton arbor press might help me with disc cutting but is it too weak to imprint a copper blank if said blank were sandwiched between an upper/lower die? I've seen the x ton hydraulic presses do this on Youtube demos but wonder if these 20 ton jobs are overkill?

The other idea I quite liked, as I enjoy belting things with a hammer, is this type of affair I saw on Etsy, a 'coin minting tool' that you whack with a sledgehammer:


That's exactly the kind of thing I would like to create but it looks like you're tied in to that company's dies...I like the idea of the tool though!

