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Thread: Please dont scream, but

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Default Please dont scream, but

    I know there has been loads and loads about which torches, and I know that it keeps coming up over and over again....... but -
    Here's the thing, I have a proxxon micro flame hand torch which I really love and couldn't recommend more, but for some things it just isn't beefy enough - so I got a max flame, which I hate with a vengeance - no sooner does it come on with a good flame, than that flame becomes really pathetic, as if the gas was running out, but its not. Anyway, I got sick of this and have just got a gosystem torch - but its so cumbersome. But, here's the thing, its fear that has stopped me from getting a 'proper' torch as I'm really scared of using/keeping the big gas tanks in the house (my jewellery making room is a spare bedroom, with a window that is over a single storey extension - so I cant just chuck offending item out of the window into the garden if things go pear shaped (told you I have a fear issue). Anyway, the Sievert looks like it has quite a chunky handle, and I cant justify the expense of an oxycon, but the orca/EZ torch looks to be lightweight and not cumbersome at all, and if I use it with a small canister I thought it may be a possibility, but I'd like to know what anyone else thinks, bearing in mind that I'm a huge scaredy cat and cant get an oxycon. also, do I need to buy a regulator valve for an orca/EZ torch (i'm struggling to understand set up proceedures for any of the torches) also, I'm thinking just a butane/propane/mix of the two would be my safest option?. And, I know this is really basic but - when using soapy water to check for leaks, does it matter whether that is a washing up liquid solution or soapiness from a regular bar of soap or soap like lux flakes or something like that - I don't know anything about this, I'm panic stricken and I'm really scared of inadvertent ignition of my house/myself! p.s. - I know I'm a fool, but please help (I will give myself a stiff talking to in order to pull myself together - but I might not be the only person who feels like this, so worth posting.....maybe).

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Hi Joella,

    I'm sorry I'm not much help, but the EZ torch has had good reports here and if you dont got a reply, I would suggest you ring Sutton tools, who will answer your questions. They also sell the kit.

    Oh and as for testing for leaks, any strong detergent solution, applied to the joints with a paint brush should show tell tale bubbles. Dennis.
    Last edited by Dennis; 16-02-2016 at 10:35 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    When I bought my EZ torch from Suttons a couple of years ago it came supplied with a regulator to fit the kind of propane tanks you have to hire. If you wanted a regulator to fit the small disposable tanks you had to buy it as an extra. Suttons sell these. As Dennis advises, have a word with them.

    I made a small adaptation to my EZ by making a spring to go between the air adjustment ring and the burner; without it the air adjustment ring had a tendency to rotate slightly of its own accord. Now it stays where it's put because of the spring tension on the threads.

    I bought a Smith's torch some time ago when it was on offer for a two figure sum but haven't used it yet, the main reason being the EZ is doing pretty much everything I want out of a torch. There's the small matter of not having got my hand down for an Oxycon yet though as well.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    Hi Joella,

    The EZ torch seems a good idea and its on my wish list too. I'd recommend giving Suttons a ring; I've various issues with things over the years and they have always been more than helpful about giving advice and tips and will talk you through all the various options. I'm sure you'll get this sorted. Good luck.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    I purchased a Orca/EZ torch 6 months ago on it's reputation, my opinion is it is no better than any other Lpg torch, I now use the smith little torch pretty much exclusively, the use of Oxy / Lpg/Propane/Acetylene is quite safe so long as as you follow the safety procedure such as testing joints and using flashback arrestors the majority of jewellers around the world use this set up without any problems, and yes you can use washing up liquid mixed with a little water to test joints

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2014


    Quote Originally Posted by china View Post
    I purchased a Orca/EZ torch 6 months ago on it's reputation, my opinion is it is no better than any other Lpg torch
    It has an air intake adjustment facility though, which the Sievert, for example, lacks, so unless you're saying there is never any need for a neutral or a reducing flame then clearly the EZ has an advantage over the Sievert.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I'm like you joella - terrified of keeping big gas tanks hanging about the place! I'd really like to get an Oxycon/little torch set up but every time I read the threads on it I just get confused and I don't think I'd be able to work out how to fit it together.

    I have the EZ/Orca and really like it. I've not soldered anything massive with it yet though. I use it with the small MAPP gas bottles you can get from B&Q or Screwfix.

    It came with three different sized burners but I've only used the smallest so far. I had to buy the extra regulator for the small gas bottle. You want this one:

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    Just to be clear if all you ever use it for is annealing, or soldering thin silver it would be fine however for gold and platinum it simply does not have enough heat for precise work

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2009


    I've actually used it on two gold rings so far with no problems, but you are correct that it would not get hot enough for platinum soldering.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Reading, Berkshire


    Quote Originally Posted by ShinyLauren View Post
    I'm like you joella - terrified of keeping big gas tanks hanging about the place! I'd really like to get an Oxycon/little torch set up but every time I read the threads on it I just get confused and I don't think I'd be able to work out how to fit it together.

    I have the EZ/Orca and really like it. I've not soldered anything massive with it yet though. I use it with the small MAPP gas bottles you can get from B&Q or Screwfix.

    It came with three different sized burners but I've only used the smallest so far. I had to buy the extra regulator for the small gas bottle. You want this one:
    I thought the same but after hounding people on here and looking through the threads I managed it and im sure you could to! It was actually really easy to set up

    I have had mine since May and wouldn't be without it! I was worried about having an oxygen bottle in/near the house so was really relieved to find Trevor! (my oxycon)


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