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Thread: ROLLING MILL AND metal forming guidance and help pls.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2020

    Default ROLLING MILL AND metal forming guidance and help pls.

    hi guys.. im been using my rolling mill.. and it tooks like forever to make a 3,5mm go down to 1 hour.. and a small piece .... so tell me how u guys use u rolling mill and how often u guys anneling ... heat the metal ? i usualy heat the metal after pass in the mill 10-15 times... then i heat again... please guidance .. thank you all!! what im doing wrong?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    South Australia


    One hour seems a bit excessive, although it is relative to the size of the original piece, i.e. a piece 1 metre long is going to take longer than a piece one centimetre long, annealing is something you will get a feel for, when it needs to be re annealed you will notice the metal is not moving, sounds to me like you are about right, you may need to reduce the gap a bit more each pass in saying that reducing from 5mm to 1mm is going to take a while.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2020


    Quote Originally Posted by china View Post
    One hour seems a bit excessive, although it is relative to the size of the original piece, i.e. a piece 1 metre long is going to take longer than a piece one centimetre long, annealing is something you will get a feel for, when it needs to be re annealed you will notice the metal is not moving, sounds to me like you are about right, you may need to reduce the gap a bit more each pass in saying that reducing from 5mm to 1mm is going to take a while.
    china thank you for answer... yea..with your answer i realized that im let the metal became really hard ... and sometimes is a really hard to go ahead... and he stuck in middle...i will try anelling more frequently... ill try tomorrow .

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    The metal needs annealing at every pass when it is thick. Once it gets to about 0.2mm it no longer resists as much.

    At no time should you close the mill so that it takes all your weight to turn it. being more patient will preserve the cogs and not loosen the fixing.


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