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Thread: Anyone from canada? (vancouver)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2012

    Default Anyone from canada? (vancouver)

    Hi guys!

    I have a job interwiew for a company based in vancouver.
    i'm not flying there just now, luckly the owner is coming to europe, and i am meeting him fairly close to where i live.

    I've already extensively visited vancouver, city/area, and i know i would really enjoy it.. i know it's very high ranked for both quality of life, but also for cost of living.

    I am a Goldsmith, i have about 5 years of experience at the bench.
    I specialized in handmade bespoke jewellery, repairs and alteration.
    In the past I have done a lot of wax carving, cleaning casting, assembling and some stone setting.
    i am used to work in complete autonomy at very high standards, any alloy, and i am very good in laser welding.
    i am not the fastest goldsmith out there, altought i think i am above average, in my experirence here in europe..
    there are very few things i couldn't make from scratch to perfectly high polished finished piece, and everything in between.

    my questions:
    -how much living (confortably) in vancouver cost? renting (or maybe sharing) a house?
    -how much should i expect to make?

    this wuold be quite a big step for me, i would have to moove there from italy having no connections at all..
    it doesn't scare me, but if it doesn't work i would have wasted a fairly big amount of time and money.. any other suggestion in your mind? am i forgetting anything?

    thank you, and the first round of beers is on me if this work out!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2014


    Hi Pio,
    I'm from nearby the area and venture into Vancouver occasionally, however I don't know much about the associated living costs. I'm afraid I can't be of any help with this particular question. If you have any other questions feel free to PM me and I'll try to be of help.

    For questions on wages VCC (Vancouver Community College - has a jewelry program so they may have some information pertaining to that. Good luck. Infact they may have basic cost of living info as well.
    - Emily

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    West Midlands


    I emigrated to Vancouver a few years ago and absolutely loved it. When I went I stayed in a youth hostel, as it was cheap and I could have a look round, while I made my choice about where to live. You might find this useful As for living costs, these two sites might be useful. You can pm me if you need any more help. I'd say go for it, you never know, till you've try it and good luck!


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