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Thread: Fitting silver brooch finding to silver brooch?..

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.

    Default Fitting silver brooch finding to silver brooch?..

    Hiya helpful folks - I'm making a new sterling silver piece, and it's my first brooch - I have a ring lock silver brooch pin/finding from Cookson - haven't decided if to use it yet or not, but if I do not sure how to go about it - I could drill it and the back of the piece and then pin/rivet it to the brooch body, but with my currently very limited tools it could get a little messy...

    So I'm wondering if there's a way I could solder it on? - My concern is for the hardness and temper of the pin after this process though - not sure that time in the tumbler will give it enough hardness back to work properly - is it doable somehow by some magikery or other though?

    Any advices gratefully received.



  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014


    If it's what I'm thinking it is (ie a pin with a broader bar which attaches to the back of the brooch and a swivel head that holds the pin secure, then you should be able to gently prize apart the arms of the 'hinge' that holds the pin in place apart and remove it (and the swivel head for that matter too) and solder the brace bar to the brooch, then replace the pin and swivel head after soldering. Or am I thinking of the wrong thing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2011


    Is the pin part actually silver or steel, if silver then it's possible to solder and then tap the pin on a baseplate with a hide mallet to harden it up again. It shouldn't mark it but it will polish up again

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Traditionally, brooches are worn on the left and the pin inserted from right to left.

    So a hinge finding is soldered on, behind the right side of the brooch. The pin is either bought as a finding or made from stainless steel wire and is riveted in place using a short piece of silver wire for the rivet.

    On the left use a barrel catch, with the opening facing down. Please note that the pin should be nearer the top of the brooch, about one third of the way down, or it will flop forward and be unsightly. Here are some links. Dennis

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    I always wear a brooch on the right (my right). Didn't know I should wear it on the left.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Annamc View Post
    If it's what I'm thinking it is (ie a pin with a broader bar which attaches to the back of the brooch and a swivel head that holds the pin secure, then you should be able to gently prize apart the arms of the 'hinge' that holds the pin in place apart and remove it (and the swivel head for that matter too) and solder the brace bar to the brooch, then replace the pin and swivel head after soldering. Or am I thinking of the wrong thing?
    You won't believe this but I was just about to come on here and post that this is what I did when I saw you suggesting it - it shoulda been obvious to me really but I'm FULL of yet another cold and my brain feels like a legless frog trying to swim through sludge, so it took me a few hours to finally 'd'oh!' out the solution - d'oh! Either that or I just picked your message up psychically lol!

    All I did was squeeze the rivet supports a little closer then between the flats needle nose pliers I worked around the smaller rivet head to re-raise the rivet head, then pushed it out and removed the pin - it's left me with a quite tidy rivet 'pre-head' with a central hole and I think after annealing it should form back well with a small punch.

    Thanks for the help any-which-way ',;~}~


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Thanks for the tips Dennis - I'd bought mine as a pre-assembled finding for this one (even though I'll have to cut it in two for this brooch), but once settled in the new workshop I'll start to make my own.

    Thanks Caroline for your suggestion too - another useful trick for the armoury ',;~}~

    Cheers folks, and be well.


  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Central London


    Shaun, I should like to see what you have bought, but none of your key words: 'Ring Lock silver brooch pin finding,' brings up a suitable item on Cookson's site.
    Do you have a link, a part number or a picture? Dennis.

    It is possible you mean this: They are not usually recommended for craft jewellry, partly because they are not very smart (being reminiscent of badges), add undue bulk from front to back, and partly because they can show through an open design.

    However AnnaMac has suggested a way of using them by removing the pin before soldering and I am known to be a nasty elitist person. Regards, Dennis.
    Last edited by Dennis; 22-03-2014 at 09:14 PM.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    Ribble Valley, England.


    Quote Originally Posted by Dennis View Post
    Shaun, I should like to see what you have bought, but none of your key words: 'Ring Lock silver brooch pin finding,' brings up a suitable item on Cookson's site.
    Do you have a link, a part number or a picture? Dennis.

    It is possible you mean this: They are not usually recommended for craft jewellry, partly because they are not very smart (being reminiscent of badges), add undue bulk from front to back, and partly because they can show through an open design.

    However AnnaMac has suggested a way of using them by removing the pin before soldering and I am known to be a nasty elitist person. Regards, Dennis.
    Hi again Dennis - yes that's the one but the 3/4 inch version.

    I get where you're coming from and I wouldn't call it nasty or elitist - I do try to make everything myself, every little piece I can for whatever I am making, but sometimes something's just got to give.

    This is a fairly simple brooch, and by cutting the 2 ends of this finding I can mount it so none of it shows from the front - I'd already taken the route of removing the pin and should have it soldered up later today.

    My meagre workspaces at home are currently defunct from overcrowding, a severe lack of specialist tools, and my setting up a new workshop elsewhere is taking its time (got my finger in several pies at once, only one of which is jewellery, so quite a mixed use workshop arrangement I'm trying to have accommodated) so everything's in flux right now - soon as I'm better set-up I'll be making my own pins and catches and such - I hate buying things I can make myself.

    Cheers again Dennis and please keep your 'nasty and elitist' points of view and helpful suggestions coming - someone has to try and keep us all honest! ',;~}~

    Be well,


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2009


    While we're on the subject, by coincidence, I've been asked to make a brooch with a lot of cut-outs. Does anyone have any brooch fittings that they could measure the width of please, so I can be sure that they will be hidden. I'd be ever so grateful.


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