View Full Version : Tumbling advice

25-04-2018, 07:04 PM
Hi All,
I have an item of silver that I am going to mag pin & rotary shot polish , I have some areas I want to leave unpolished ,
any ideas of how to mask or prevent these areas from being polished ?

25-04-2018, 08:03 PM
No, you can only do that afterwards, by using masking tape to cover what you want left polished. Then re-dull the exposed parts with a dry glass brush, or a light touch with a fine frosting wheel.

Once the masking tape has been peeled off, you might also have to remove slight sticky residues with a cotton bud and a solvent such as acetone.

25-04-2018, 08:33 PM
Never thought about it that way round Dennis ! I will give it a try