View Full Version : Glue on bails

04-09-2017, 01:03 PM

Does anyone use glue on bails for their gem setting?

I've just noticed these and wondered whether they last, what glue to use, and would they be ok for sea glass and pebbles

Thank you


04-09-2017, 01:55 PM
The short answer is 'No' Dee

That is what crafters do. Anyone with pretensions to making traditional jewellery, wouldn't be seen dead with a glue-on-bail.
It's pure snobbery of course, because traditional stone mounting often uses far too much visible metal, so overwhelming the stone and detracting from its beauty.

A way to ensure a more reliable fixing, would be still to use glue, but incorporate a soldered on post to the bail, as is commonly done with pearls.
Is this so different? Well not really, but promises a more workmanlike job.

Oops, I should have used a gender neutral adjective there, but I can't think of one. Life is full of pitfalls. Dennis.

04-09-2017, 06:23 PM
There are some very good adhesives around these days. Unfortunately, the good ones all require very precise preparation, application methods, curing procedures or are exceedingly toxic - or all of the above!
I don't think there's any adhesive I would trust for that application without those requirements - and as with Dennis, I'd personally solder the things "properly" (for certain values of proper).