View Full Version : Making Vermeil medals

06-07-2015, 12:48 PM
We are looking to make 20 or more double sided medals. The idea is they should look like old Roman coins, approx 18mm diameter, 2mm thick. We can have them cad designed at a cost of £120 and then cast at a cost of approx £12 each including cleaning up and Vermeil finish. Does anyone know of a cheaper way of producing these. The finish does not have to be sharp as we are trying to replicate the look of old Roman coins.

06-07-2015, 01:09 PM
For 20 I can't imagine it would be cost-effective to have a die made up to coin them; not sure what the break-even point would be. Have you tried talking to any of the regalia makers to see what the costs would be?

Given the small run there's not much opportunity for economy.

06-07-2015, 04:45 PM
Do they have to be vermeil? Plated pewter would be a lot easier and cheaper, and would probably look more authentic as well.