View Full Version : Oxycon Connection Question

23-07-2014, 01:21 PM
Hi all, bit of a lurker on here, but please can someone help with an answer to my question.

I have just bought a Smiths Little Torch with UK fittings after reading lots of good stuff about it on here.
I do lampwork so already have all the propane stuff and an oxycon. The only fly in the ointment is that the spare oxycon christmas tree connector that I have just got from Tuffnells is in one piece, (rather than being a screw ring with a loose nozzle), so when I screw it on it will twist my hose round and round each time, and I want to be able to swap it over with my lampwork torch will reasonable ease. (I have already have a Y connector run two torches off the propane, so no problems with that side of things)

The question is what is the size of the devillbiss oxycon outlet?, did I read right somewhere that a US fitting went straight on to it? - meaning if I convert the oxy hose of the little torch to a US fitting I can screw it on directly.

I found the great description of how to attach the christmas tree connector to the torch hose, but my connector is naff. I have asked Tuffer's if he has any of the other sort, but wondered what my other options are. I can't find anyone else selling the Christmas trees in the UK.


23-07-2014, 01:45 PM
I gave up on the Christmas tree connector in the end and put a 3/8" male hose barb into the flexible pipe (with a clip). The Little Torch then screws to that.

23-07-2014, 01:45 PM
I would have thought the simplest option would be to do the same with the oxygen line as the propane - either fit a splitter or a quick release valve. Then you don't need to worry about anything other than remembering to turn the oxycon down to use the little torch. I found it easier to use quick release so that I can move things around more efficiently rather than ending up with too many bits of tube hanging around at just the right height to trip myself up!

23-07-2014, 01:59 PM
Thanks Peter and george for your quick replies.
I'm liking the quick release idea, hadn't considered that. Do you reckon I'd be able to shove one of these....
... up the oxy tube of the torch with the aid of a hairdryer? The tube looks so narrow. Mind you a 3/8" male barb is same size, so it must be possible.


23-07-2014, 02:43 PM
Those are the ones I use Cathy - I soak my tubes in very hot water before fitting. I've got them on both my oxygen and propane lines, with matching fittings on all my torches - both for metal and for lampwork.

I tried a splitter on my propane line initially, but switched to these when I got a third torch, and find it much easier to use.

23-07-2014, 02:55 PM
Thanks, I was a bit worried they are 8mm, and Martin's incredibly expensive one's are 6mm.


23-07-2014, 04:28 PM
If you do want 6mm, these guys are good: http://www.hosesandmore.co.uk/epages/es144349.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es144349/Categories/%22Quick%20Release%20Connectors%22, with the other halves on http://www.hosesandmore.co.uk/epages/es144349.sf/en_GB/?ObjectPath=/Shops/es144349/Categories/Quick_Release_Adaptors

These have the advantage that you can buy just one female end for the main line, and as many male adapters as you wish for adding torches.

23-07-2014, 04:58 PM
I've ordered some 8mm now, but will keep that link in case I need it thanks.