View Full Version : Dear Cooksons,

22-07-2014, 04:42 PM
Please can you advise me of the best way to get into your cardboard wrapped parcels which are stapled down on all sides with the most ginormous staples which resist all manner of prising up with a screwdriver! I'm now nursing a very cut finger, not to mention a badly mangled invoice!

22-07-2014, 05:30 PM
Please can you advise me of the best way to get into your cardboard wrapped parcels which are stapled down on all sides with the most ginormous staples which resist all manner of prising up with a screwdriver! I'm now nursing a very cut finger, not to mention a badly mangled invoice!

They do wrap things thoroughly, Carole, but I'd rather have that than the reverse. The good thing is you only have to unwrap your items once.

22-07-2014, 05:55 PM
That's true but slightly smaller staples would work just as well. Usually the cardboard is just stuck together with parcel tape.

22-07-2014, 09:28 PM
I think I'd have rather had the staples than the many, many yards of masking tape holding a bag to a cardboard backing that lost me about 20 minutes and two fingernails this morning...

22-07-2014, 10:14 PM
At least you can cut through masking tape with a knife George. You have fingernails?!

22-07-2014, 10:19 PM
I don't get stuff sent Carole, so I haven't seen the dreaded staples, but would cutting through each one with a saw free it up more?

Looking on the bright side, it's jolly hot in London, at least you're near the sea. Dennis.

22-07-2014, 11:01 PM
Oh dear Carole. it may be in response to the complaints they've had on their FB page from some of us about their new paper pulp jiffy bags. the glue is so strong that you can't prise the bag open without all the innards exploding all over the place and you still haven't got to the contents :/ It wasn't particularly well recieved

23-07-2014, 05:24 AM
Love that remark Carole, "you have fingernails?" I havent had fingernails since I started making jewellery, apart from now, they seem to grow well in the summer, but its very difficult to make stuff with long nails, so regretfully I will have to cut them soon.

23-07-2014, 07:53 AM
Oh dear, it seems they can't win.