View Full Version : Burrs and sharpening

19-06-2014, 02:41 PM
Is it possible to sharpen burrs as I have only used them a few times and always in silver and always with Cut Lube.

19-06-2014, 03:21 PM
time for me to ask a silly question. Have you cleaned them? sometimes they appear dull if they are clogged up

19-06-2014, 03:24 PM
You can extend their life a little with the help of a small diamond file
providing they're not too damaged or too small.
However, they won't be cutting the same size hole as they did new.

19-06-2014, 03:28 PM
Yes I brushed them out with a file brush. How many holes can you drill with them, I would imagine I have cut about 50. Perhaps I am expecting too much.

19-06-2014, 04:03 PM
I use oil, rather than wax and have had mine for years.

I only use the stone burrs for cutting seats though. Round, bud (flame too) and drills do all the hard work.

I find Maellifers (sp??) and Panther brands last the longest. Panther are made in Germany, but I can only get them from the US! they are totally wonderful for silver, costly, but I have used them nearly every day for the last 18months without them failing.

I used to get through them quickly when I used the stone setters to cut into the metal. Probably no help whatsoever really!

20-06-2014, 06:57 AM
Yes very helpful actually. I didnt know that you are supposed to use round and flame burrs for cutting out the rubbish and then using the stone setting burrs just for that. My project was to cut into the end of 3mm wire and set a 2mm stone in each end as it is for a ring. I have done it with 1.50mm wire and set 1mm stone in it also in a ring as per the picture. There is a diamond set in each of the six ends.