View Full Version : My latest guilty pleasure...

21-05-2012, 04:56 PM
Just thought I would share with you my latest guilty pleasure...it's not gold or silver hand tools or motorised...it's the BBC torch relay being shown on http://www.bbc.co.uk/torchrelay

I guess for you guys back in the Uk you are either fed up of the Olympics or like me totally wazzed over it. I watched the flame arrive on Friday evening and since then, been hooked on the relay. I have set up a screen in my workshop today so that I can keep an eye on it through the day while I work.

Not sure how long this latest obsession will last...

21-05-2012, 08:53 PM
Oh dear, you obviously need therapy. I live within a few of miles of where the torch arrived, yet couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to go and see it. I did go and watch some fireworks on Saturday evening though in celebration. Does that count?

21-05-2012, 09:11 PM
It's coming past us on my birthday this week. I shall be staying at home and eating cake.....

21-05-2012, 09:33 PM
Oh well, Happy Birthday then George! Dennis.

21-05-2012, 11:20 PM
Thank you Dennis! It's not until Wednesday, but I'm going for the long buildup in the hope someone in the family will remember ;)

22-05-2012, 12:29 PM
Happy birthday George, I've found post it notes placed strategically around the house, the fridge, kettle & bathroom can work!

I got so soppy and cried when I saw it set off in Cornwall that I set my granddaughter off! My sister arrives from the USA Tuesday & is as excited about seeing the torch as me, bit of a long way to come for it though! I'm interested in the construction of the torch too but I think what a missed opportunity not to use it to advertise all the UK metalsmiths in general.


22-05-2012, 01:06 PM
Oh dear, you obviously need therapy. I live within a few of miles of where the torch arrived, yet couldn't summon up the enthusiasm to go and see it. I did go and watch some fireworks on Saturday evening though in celebration. Does that count?

same here. In fact even though I had to go into Pz on saturday I waited until the afternoon. My friend got up at 6am to see it set off from Lands End. I stayed home and warm!