View Full Version : Hello :)

Carla Pickering Ochrin
06-10-2011, 07:41 PM
Hi All,

My name is Carla ... I am looking to learn how to make jewelry. It's a slow process for me because it cost so much lol I knew it would be hard to start up because I have nothing! lol I made the mistake with buying jewelry kits figuring I could do them but messed them up being that I'm a beginner lol We all learn from our mistakes . right ;) I would love to get good enough to sell my things. Right now I do graphics (pixel art) and i'm the social media manager for relylocal (westside) ..

I look forward to taking part and making new friends :)

06-10-2011, 09:25 PM
Welcome Carla!! Keep persevering, it's worth it!!

Obsidian Butterfly
06-10-2011, 10:04 PM
Hello Carla!

Welcome to the world of jewellery, trust me u will be hooked in no time :)

07-10-2011, 09:05 AM
Welcome to the forum!

I am totally in the same boat as you, I went on my very first jewellery making course at the London School of Jewellery last week and took the beginner's silversmithing. It was absolutely fantastic!

Like Laura said though you will get absolutely obsessed in no time, it's such a nice way to spend time and very rewarding :)

I will embarrass myself soon and post some pics of my first silver pieces


07-10-2011, 10:02 AM
[We all learn from our mistakes . right ;) ]
Welcome, over 20 years of experience and still make the odd mistake and still ask loads of questions. My advice is to ask the questions to avoid making the mistake...you're in the right place.

Obsidian Butterfly
07-10-2011, 10:28 AM
Only thing i would say is that no matter how many years experience u have u make stupid mistakes, i've been making silver jewellery for over four years and i still picked up a piece i had soldered without quenching it! Caused jump ring shaped burns on my thumb and finger, so even the most experienced of us can make mistakes :-)

07-10-2011, 01:50 PM
Hi Carla
If you can take an evening class it's quite a good way to start - you get to compare mistakes with everyone else - at least that's what I did!!
Welcome to a very helpful forum!

07-10-2011, 07:06 PM
Hi Carla

Welcome to the forum. Everyone makes mistakes - as long as you learn from it, it's part of the fun!


13-10-2011, 01:14 PM
Hi Carla,

I am new to the forum as well :)
You will get to that stage if you want to...good luck